Golf Roundup


MIAMISBURG — The Troy golf team got a big win over Tippecanoe in MVL action at Pipestone Golf Course.

Both teams shot 162, but Van Davis’ 44 gave Troy the win on fifth score tiebreaker.

“Both Aaron (Tipp coach Aaron Jackson) and I can see our teams back here in October, so getting a chance to play a high level dual here benefits both teams,” Troy coach Mark Evilsizor said. “Tipp is really good, so our guys knew this match could come down to fifth and six scores.”

Max Gustavson led Tipp with a one-under par 35, while Troy’s Mitchell Sargent carded a 36.

“Mitchell (Sargent) wants to compete against the best and both (Eli) Voisard and (Max) Gustavson are right at the top of the MVL,” Evilsizor said. “Congrats to Max on being medalist with a 35. That is a fantastic round.

“Mitchell had three birdies today and had chances to go even lower. We needed Mitchell to play really well to beat Tipp and that is exactly what he did.”

Casey Beckner, Isaac Burns and Jeffrey Smith all shot 42 to help earn the victory.

“Our seniors want to be champions,” Evilsizor said. “They have worked hard an are excited to play their best golf. They grind and find ways to score.”

All three had highlights.

“Casey (Beckner) had a wild round,” Evilsizor said. “He chips in on 13 for par, He triple bogies 16 and then birdies 17. Isaac chipped in as well to save bogey and a made a huge par on 18.

“I can’t say enough about Jeffrey Smith. I love his demeanor on the golf course. He just goes about his business and plays solid golf.”

Ultimately, the match came down to the fifth score and Davis’ 44 gave Troy the win and Blake Sager had a 49.

Tipp’s other scores were Eli Voisard 41, Andrew Gagnon 41, Sam Dilworth 45, Trey Bottles 50 and Carson Jackson 51.

Lehman 169,

Milton-Union 194

SIDNEY — The Lehman Catholic boys golf team got a win at Shelby Oaks Tuesday.

Henry Petersen was match medalist with 36 to lead Lehman.

Other Cavalier scorers were Jack Williams 44, Shane Frantz 44 and Matthew Adams 45.

Milton-Union scorers were Austin Hodkin 45, William Coate 45, Keaton Jones 51 and Hunter Fraley 53.

Bethel 167,

Miami East 170

NEW CARLISLE — The Bethel golf team got a win on the front nine at Sugar Isle Tuesday.

Mike Halleg was match medalist for Bethel with 38 and Gabe Veldman carded 39 in the final group to erase a three-shot deficit and give Bethel the win.

Other Bethel scores were Joshua Fiery 44, Logan Norris 46, Philip Dix 49, and Braden Shoup 63.

East scores were Keidin Pratt 39, Brody Antonides 41, Owen Haak 41, Caleb Brubaker 49, Adam Lawson 52 and Chase Posey 53.

Newton 186,

Bradford 195

WEBSTER — The Newton boys golf team got a win on the par-37 back nine at Stillwater Valley Golf Course.

Newton’s Rhett Koffer was medalist with 42.


Troy 158,

Greenville 178

TROY — The Troy boys golf team continued a big week with a 158-178 win over Greenville on the back nine at Miami Shores.

“This was a really big couple days for us,” Troy coach Mark Evilsizor said. “We are 3-0 in the conference now. Mitchell (Sargent) got his first medalist honors for the year in the MVL, which is something he has been wanting.”

Sargent carded a 37.

Other Troy scores were Van Davis 39, Jeffrey Smith 40, Casey Beckner 42, Isaac Burns 45 and Blake Sager 49.

Troy has a big match at Cassel Hills Tuesday with Vandalia-Butler.

Bethel 168,

Covington 175

PIQUA — The Bethel boys golf team stayed unbeaten in TRC play with a win on the back nine at Echo Hills Wednesday.

Bethel scores included Mike Halleg 41, Josh Fierry 41, Gabe Veldman 41, Philip Dix 45, Logan Norris 48 and Braden Shoup 51.

Matt Dieperink was match medalist with a 37 to lead Covington and Brodie Manson had a 40.

Other Bucc scores were Jayden Wackler 47, Caleb Smith 51, Gavin Clark 57 and Brairen Denson 57.

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