Veterans honored at the fair Sunday


By Carly Rose

[email protected]

TROY — Sunday was Veterans Day at the fair, where a ceremony was held to honor of veterans and first responders.

Valerie Mulikin, director of Operation Veteran and Caregiver Support, opened the ceremony, which began at noon on Sunday, Aug. 11. Mulikin opened in place of Ted Miller, a member of the Senior Fair Board Committee, who was scheduled to be master of ceremonies. The Veterans Day opening ceremony started with the presentation of colors by the Miami Valley Young Marines, and a prayer that was led by Miami County Commissioner Greg Simmons.

“These are the people that are protecting our cities and taking care of the needs of those that have a need,” said Mulikin.

The national anthem was performed by Chloe Shellenberger and Jayla Leland. Special guest speaker for the ceremony was Dr. Kathy Platoni. She is a U.S. Army veteran, who served more than 30 years in active and the Army Reserves, and has deployed on four occasions. Platoni is also a practicing clinical psychologist for 40 years.

Platoni is a survivor of the Fort Hood mass shooting in November 2009. She is now an activist who shares her experiences on the psychological impact of war, and trauma of mass shootings.

“It is ours to tell the tale and honor the spirit that underlies the veterans and first responders today of Miami County in the great state of Ohio,” said Platoni. “We must seize every chance as Americans and come together to pay homage and to demonstrate reverence of the world.”

“By all things horrible, first responders do what they do, so the rest of us don’t have to.” said Platoni.

Simmons, who is also a U. S. Navy veteran and deployed overseas three times during Vietnam conflict, also spoke during the ceremony. He applauded Platoni for her speech and he led a prayer giving thanks to the “courageous men and women who are serving today all over the world.”

“Bless the members of the armed forces and give them courage, hope, and strength,” said Simmons.

Following the prayer, the Miami County Equestrian Drill Team presented flags for the veterans who have served in each branch of the United States Military. Challenge coins were passed out to veterans at the beginning and the end of the ceremony near the exits. The three-volley salute was not held at the ceremony due to members attending multiple funerals that week.

Mulikin ended with her closing remarks for the ceremony, “You be blessed and we’ll see you next year at the Miami County Fair.“

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