Tipp Council OKs flex building apps moratorium


By Amantha Garpiel

For Miami Valley Today

TIPP CITY — The Tipp City City Council approved an ordinance imposing a moratorium on applications and permits for flex buildings within the city limits during its Monday, Aug. 5, meeting.

In the context of Tipp City, flex buildings would allow for warehouses to be in locations not typically allowed by the city’s zoning code provided the business has a specific amount of retail space as well as the warehouse space.

“Approximately a year ago we had a discussion on flex zoning and flex buildings. Flex zoning would be an avenue by which we could allow certain types of development in the areas that weren’t zoned for that type of development. In specific cases, some warehousing in places where we would not normally allow warehousing as long as they met a certain percentage of retail space to go with the warehousing,” said Finance Director John Green.

This ordinance was passed unanimously as an emergency and places a 365 day moratorium of accepting applications and granting permits for flex buildings.

According to Green, the city’s previous action that placed a 180-day moratorium on applications and permits for flex buildings has since expired.

“With the new city administration, we’re looking at this again to determine what we want to do with this going forward and if we’re still as interested in flex zoning, flex buildings as we were a year ago,” said Green. “We would ask the council to approve this 365-day moratorium to give us the time to re-review where we want to go with this in the future.”

City Council also passed a resolution naming Clerk of Council Janice Bates as the designee for the Tipp City City Council members to ensure compliance with the educational requirements of House Bill 9.

Lastly, council authorized the police chief and city manager to sign an F2 permit application for the Downtown Tipp City Partnership for the 2024 Tunes Tour Beer Crawl to be held on Sept. 14.

The writer is a regular contributor to Miami Valley Today.

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