Troy Council OKs rezoning request


By Carly Rose

[email protected]

TROY — Troy City Council OK’d the rezoning of two parcels on East Water Street from a light industrial district to an office residence district during its meeting on Monday, Aug. 19.

The Planning Commission for the city of Troy recommended for City Council to approve the rezoning during its June meeting.

The land is a vacant property located east of North Crawford Street and was the location of the former Spinnaker Coating business. The zoning code describes the OR-1 zoning district as “designed to accommodate a mixture of residential and office uses.” The rezoning request was submitted by East Troy Development LLC.

In other business, City Council also adopted the two following resolutions:

• To authorize Director of Public Service and Safety Patrick Titterington to enter into an agreement with the Miami County Public Defenders Commission “to provide legal counsel to indigent persons charged with loss of liberty offense in its Municipal Court” for 2025, not to exceed $24,409.35.

• To authorize Titterington to enter into a construction management at risk contract with Peterson Construction Company, of Wapakoneta, for the water treatment plant valve replacement project. Peterson Construction submitted a guaranteed maximum price not to exceed $1,357,151. This includes the design and pre-construction services.

Near the end of the meeting, Mayor Robin Oda shared, “We had a great time last night at the Dayton Philharmonic. It was a lot of fun and a very good concert and turnout, and we do have Tour De Donut this weekend.”

Titterington noted the next council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sep. 3, instead of Monday, due to Labor Day on Sept. 2.

“There will be no changes to trash and recycling pick up that week,” said Titterington.

Council member Bobby Phillips shared his satisfaction with the Miami County fair from last week.

“Had a great week at the fair with the Republican tent that was out there; it was well attended, and the young people were phenomenal that I saw showing animals,” said Phillips. “It was very nice and I am very happy we had great weather for that.”

Council members Kristie Marshall and Lynne Snee wished the staff and students who will be starting school this week lots of luck and a great year.

“With the school and Tour De Donut please have patience, particularly on Main Street, or anywhere downtown at least until Saturday,” said Council President William Rozell.

During the public comments portion, Dickerson Drive resident Steve Henrikson expressed his disappointment with the town hall comprehensive plan meeting that took place last week.

“I just wanted to tell you how disappointed I was with last week’s town hall meeting about the comprehensive plan,” said Henrikson. ” I think it was not well done, for a town hall meeting it didn’t meet my expectations.”

A few of the council members expressed their agreement with Henrikson of not being impressed with the town hall meeting.

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