MC Commissioners OK microfilm purchases


By Eamon Baird

[email protected]

TROY— Miami County Commissioners approved multiple resolutions for the Miami County Recorder’s Office and Microfilm Department during their Tuesday, Aug. 12 meeting.

The commissioners acknowledged a receipt of a proposal submitted on Aug. 15, by Miami County Recorder, Jessica Lopez, for the maintenance and support of land records software as well as for the acquisition, service, and hardware equipment in the Recorder’s Office and Microfilm Department for calendar year 2025. Further, the commissioners set Thursday, Aug. 29, to meet with Lopez and review the proposal.

The commissioners also accepted a quote from Endicott Microfilm Inc., of Fairfield Township. They authorized the purchase of one Kodak Care Kit Post extended three-year service warranty agreement for an i4250 scanner for $4,917. This care kit purchase will provide continued support for the Microfilm Department scanners and software.

Lopez noted there was some possible confusion concerning the price of the scanners with Endicott as the listed price might change.

“We have had some communication challenges with this vendor recently, so to ensure that we are taking advantage of the lowest and best cost that was submitted,” Lopez said. “It seems like the easiest way to do this is maybe to just approve it through Endicott for a cost of $4,917 in the event that Endicott doesn’t honor that price, I will just do a request for an amendment with Endicott.”

Finally, the commissioners accepted a quote from Intellinetics Inc., of Columbus authorizing the Recorder’s Office to purchase film processing services for the microfilm department, for $5,000. The microfilm board approved said purchase on Aug. 14.

In other business, the commissioners authorized or approved the following resolutions:

• To sign a final change order with Barrett Paving Materials Inc., of Franklin for the Washington Road Resurfacing Project. for a decrease of $8,153.58. The total contract now is $605,846.42, with said change order reflecting updated quantities and materials for the project.

• To purchase eight Ricoh FI-8170 Scanners for the Miami County Juvenile Court for $7,600 or $950 per scanner. The current scanners in the clerk’s office are failing and are at the end of life.

• Two annexation petitions filed by William F. Slagle of the Waco Historical Society, an Ohio Non-Profit Corporation. The annexations will transfer 2.3 acres and .129 acres from Concord Township to the city of Troy. Said annexations meet the statutory requirements and conditions for an expedited II annexation under Ohio Revised Code Section 709.023.

At the end of the meeting, the commissioners announced they would be attending the 2024 County Commissioners Association of Ohio (CCAO) summer symposium at the Hocking Hills Lodge and Conference Center in Logan from Aug. 21 to 23.

The commissioners also announced the general session meeting scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 22 was canceled.

Lastly, the commissioners announced they will attend the Miami County 2024 Veterans Symposium held at the Hobart Arena on Saturday, Aug. 24, beginning at 11 a.m.

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