Piqua’s Fire Training Committee expresses frustration


By Eamon Baird

[email protected]

PIQUA — Members of the Commissioners Committee on the Fire Training Facility expressed frustration during the Piqua City Commission meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

This special committee was established by a resolution adopted by the Piqua City Commission on Feb. 6 to create a report detailing events between 2017 and 2023 at the Fire Training Facility. During that time, the Energy Safety Response Group (ESRG) occupied the site, which burned lithium-ion batteries. In September 2023, ESRG was required to shut down operations by the city of Piqua and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Co-Chairs Nancy Roof and David Roth discussed complications the committee has faced over the last seven weeks.

“We could write a whole speech on the obstacles presented to us by the commission,” Roof said. “We have tried to interview city staff, but are told by the city manager that we are not allowed to do so, and we can only submit written questions.”

“We have only been able to conduct in-person interviews with citizens who have volunteered to come before our committee, either for public statements or in private,” she continued.

On July 16, the committee approached the commission with the proposal of hiring Attorney Dan Brown to serve as special legal counsel. Roth went through a timeline of events the committee experienced trying to hire Brown.

“On Aug. 2, the committee was informed by the city that Mr. Brown did not have a budget item to cover the cost of Mr. Brown’s services. So as a result, an agenda item would have to be added to the next commission meeting. The plan was to add this as an item made on the meeting floor on Aug. 14. On Aug. 19, the committee was told that the engagement letter would be signed by the city manager that day.

“Then the next day, on Aug. 20, the committee was told not to proceed because the city Law Director Frank Patrizio needed to contact Mr. Brown to discuss items on the statement of work, which was submitted to the city. On Aug. 29 Mr. Brown, after unsuccessfully trying to connect with Mr. Patrizio, decided to withdraw from the engagement, stating that he was not a good fit for our needs, as he was more of an environmental attorney,” Roth said.

Patrizio confirmed that in late August he spoke to Brown regarding why he no longer wanted to serve as the committee’s attorney, as he specialized more in environmental law.

“He felt a lot of the questions they have had to do more with administrative questions involved municipal law. To my understanding, he referred three attorneys to them. I don’t know who they are, but I have no objections to that,” Patrizio said.

Roth then asked whether the commission wants the committee to move forward.

“I would ask, what are the commissioner’s hopes or goals for our committee at this point? Does the commission want us to continue our efforts? Does the commission want us to dissolve? I only ask these questions because the commission, you as the commissioners, formed this committee. I think it’s fair to say that this committee has not felt a great sense of support since we began this process, and it’s my personal opinion that this committee has put in its due diligence, and the ball has been kind of dropped by the city,” he said.

Commissioner Frank DeBrosse expressed the need for the committee to continue despite the recent setbacks and that they are still represented by their own legal counsel.

“I do believe, in order for you all to proceed to the next steps that needs to happen,” DeBrosse said, referring to the committee hiring a new lawyer.

“As you know, I don’t go to your meetings. I have tried not to meddle in your affairs because I truly believe that it does need to have that sense of independence,” DeBrosse added. “On the other hand, as much as we want that or try to accomplish this, this is a city-created entity. So, you’re never going to be able to get fully outside of that scope.”

Mayor Kris Lee agreed with DeBrosse’s sentiment and no decision was made to disband the committee. The Commissioners Committee on the Fire Training Center will continue to meet on every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth floor of Fort Piqua Plaza.

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