MC Commissioners OK Commerce Center repairs


By Eamon Baird

[email protected]

TROY — The Miami County Commissioners authorized repairs and modifications for the Commerce Center’s Auto Title Office at their meeting on Thursday, Sept. 5.

The commissioners accepted a quote from Ferguson Construction of Sidney and authorized services for modifications to the existing casework counter and lower paper slot, including any final repairs, patch, and paint, for the office, as requested by Shawn Peeples, clerk of courts for Miami County. Costs shall not exceed $8,546 (including a contingency allowance of $773).

“This is an item that we’ve wanted from the get-go,” Peeples said adding the repairs will allow workers at the office to work sitting down or standing up. “It’s something that all of the employees desired.”

The commissioners also authorized a fifth release sum of $46,709 from the Subdivider Escrow Agreement with the North Branch Land Company LLC, for the construction of North Branch Pass Subdivision, Phase 3, as requested by the County Engineer. This release is a partial reduction of the referenced escrow agreement and does not constitute final acceptance of the constructed facilities or cancellation of the Escrow Agreement. A balance of $174,737.60 shall remain in said escrow agreement for completion of the improvements.

The commissioners also acknowledged the following resolutions:

• A receipt for the 2025 State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) Grant Award of $25,610, on behalf of the Emergency Management Agency.

• The Sheriff’s Monthly Expense Account for the period ending Aug. 31, as prescribed under Section 325.07 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC).

At the end of the meeting, Cheryl Jackson of Troy thanked commissioners for their part in completing the handicapped accessible grandstands at the Miami County Fairgrounds.

“It turned out wonderful and I really appreciate it,” Jackson said. “I was able to take my father-in-law there for the livestock scramble and got to watch his great-grand-kids out there and had a great view and he really enjoyed it.”

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