Van Cleve 6th graders present to Troy BOE


By Eamon Baird

[email protected]

TROY — The Troy City Schools Board of Education heard a presentation on student leadership opportunities from Van Cleve’s Sixth Grade Building on Monday, Sept. 9.

Van Cleve Principal Maurice Sadler discussed the importance of students participating in extracurricular activities.

“Our strategic plan is to have 100% of our students from grades seven-twelve actively connected to activities or opportunities at the school level,” Sadler added. “That can’t begin in seventh grade, it needs to begin in sixth grade.”

Sadler introduced JoLynn Scalice, the school counselor for Van Cleve.

“This year Mrs. Scalice is going to talk about the school-based programs that we have to get our students engaged and connected in order to reach that goal of 100% participation,” Sadler said.

Scalice said some school-based activities offered at Van Cleve include safety patrol, honor guard, morning announcements, student council, band, and orchestra.

“As of 2 o’clock today we had 162 students already signed up for one of these activities,” she said. “We have students who are going to speak today about the club they are interested in.”

Sixth graders Izzy King, Dani Creeger, Kane Steele, Mia Morella, Alexa Steinke, Talaiya Kincade, Evie Swigart, Armoni Steele, and Kayden Mittelstadt all spoke about the clubs they will be participating in.

“I’m interested in joining the band and playing the baritone because my mom and my brother were in it and I love music,” Armoni Steele said.

“I want to be a student council member because I am good at leadership,” Kincade said.

“I would love to join safety patrols because I love helping people,” Creeger said.

At the end of the presentation School Board President Susan Borchers congratulated the students.

“That is very awesome that you are all interested in getting engaged, she said. “This is our favorite time of the meeting and we’re glad you came. To the parents thank you for bringing your children, you must be very proud.”

The board also held a moment of silence for Beverly Riggin, who passed away on Aug. 20 at 76. Riggin worked for years in the Troy High School Cafeteria.

During his report, Superintendent Chris Piper shared the financial contributions made to Troy City Schools in the last month, including $50,000 from the Troy Music Boosters.

“Once again, we’re very happy our community supports our kids our staff, and our programming. Our monthly total $66,827.20, brings our fiscal year to date to $96,318.39,” Piper said

“Major kudos to our Troy Music Boosters. That is exceptional, and they are amazing,” Borchers added. “I appreciate their support and all they do for our schools.”

In other business, the board approved the following resolutions:

• Treasurer Jeffrey Price’s financial report.

• Then and now certificates.

• Approval of 2024 amended certificate of estimated resources and 2025 appropriations

• A district plan policy plan to identify services for gifted students.

• A real estate exchange between the Board of Education, the city of Troy, and the Board of Park Commissioners.

• To allow for reimbursement in place of transportation of students who reside in this school district and attend chartered, nonpublic schools outside of this school district.

• The personnel agenda.

The next Troy City Schools Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 14, at 5:30 p.m.

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