Pride of PHS Marching Band earns superior rating


PIQUA — The Pride of Piqua High School (PHS) Marching Band earned a superior rating at the Kettering Classic OMEA competition on Saturday, Sept. 14, qualifying them for OMEA state finals in November.

The band also earned best auxiliary, best percussion and first place in Class A, said a press release from PHS. In addition, they were one of only three bands to qualify for state at the Kettering Classic OMEA competition. On an even bigger scale they were one of the 23 groups across the state of Ohio who have qualified in the first two weeks of competition.

The band’s 2024 marching band show is titled “Forge.” Musical selections include: “This is Berk,” from “How to Train Your Dragon,” Gustav Holst’s “Second Suite in F” featuring “Song without Words” and “Song of the Blacksmith,” and the powerful “Iron Man.” Through these pieces, they explore the process of creation, the strength of those who forge, and the artistry involved in bringing something new into the world.

The Pride of Piqua Marching Band is under the direction of Wyatt Heinz and assistant directors Mitch Mahaney and Alex Acuna.

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