Covington principals: School year off to great start


By Carly Rose

[email protected]

COVINGTON — Covington Board of Education (BOE) heard from elementary, junior high and high school principals, during its regular session meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 18, who all shared the Covington school year is starting off great.

High School Principal Bridgit Kerber shared her five-S approach to core values:

• Safety — During the recent social media frenzy of school threats, students have not been distracted since they don’t have phones. There is a greater sense of safety without that added constant anxiety of knowing that other schools are facing those issues.

• Standards — Covington High School is a four-star high school, with a graduation rate of 100%, and a reduced habitual truancy rate.

• Support — Student culture is at its highest in years with students attending games and participating in student sections in a positive way.

• Service — The class of 2024 donated signage to the school as a service to their school community.

• Stability — Teachers reported they got off to a great start as a result of consistency in discipline, and back-to-school expectations.

Covington Middle School Principal Mike Treon said, “For me, it’s been a lot of listening, learning, seeing the routines that are in place, and grasp what we do and why we do it and try to make some mental notes of what can we do a little bit better. I am very appreciative of my staff.”

Covington Elementary School Principal Josh Long shared that all is running smoothly and is pleased with their new CES and district employees. The school is still working on new ways to intervene with the kids, due to the new standards set by the science of reading.

“The goal is that all of our elementary students become better readers,” said Long.

In other business, near the beginning of the meeting during the public discussion portion, Covington Resident Mathew Swiger requested for the possibility of ticket purchases to be offered online for sporting events.

“It would be a lot easier if there’s a possibility to start looking at buying tickets online,” said Swiger. “I know a lot of other schools do that for sporting events.”

Swiger also shared a concern about the school’s safety measures, including the possibility of concealed carry.

“Piqua just had a scare, is there anything in place for a concealed carry,” said Swiger.

Members of the board noted that there are multiple village police officers at the school all the time, and more times than not, there is more than one guy in the school carrying.

During the treasurer’s report, Treasurer Carmen Siefring and Superintendent Joseph Hoelzle recommended the action of approving the September 2024 financial reports including the cash reconciliation, fund summary, general fund analysis, and August disbursement list.

Among the superintendent’s reports and requests, the following donations were accepted; Donor Robert Brumbaugh for boys varsity gold for an amount of $1,000, and Donor El Taco for the football program for an amount of $300.

Also during the meeting, the BOE approved the following:

• The certified staff for the school year 2024/25 contract adjustment for Jenna Allen, elementary music teacher, the school year 2024/25 one-year limited contract BA+150 step 0.

• Accept a letter of retirement from Marcus Harrison, Covington Middle School technology teacher, effective May 23, 2025.

• Accept a letter of retirement from Lisa Benson, elementary secretary, effective Dec. 1, 2024.

• Grant a one-year limited contract for the school year 2024/25 to Kia Stephan, step four, eight hours a day, elementary secretary position, the start date will be after successful background checks, transcripts verification, and proper licensure have been completed.

• The FFA trip to nationals in Indianapolis, Indiana.

• The boys basketball program out-of-state trip to Indianapolis Pacer’s Gainbridge Fieldhouse.

• The revised proposal from EduTek Solutions for security camera replacements and upgrades.

• Various new supplemental positions, including MS Yearbook advisor and approval of supplemental coaching contract for the school year 2024/25, ES music director, Junior High Student Council advisor, Junior High Student Council advisor, high school assistant play director, Junior High seventh grade girls basketball coach, Junior High head girls track coach, and high school assistant wrestling coach.

• Volunteers for the 2024/25 school year: Jessica Griffith, classroom; Cameron Lunsford, classroom; Meaghan Lunsford, classroom; Chad Martin, band, Becky Sheafer, classroom; and Kenneth Tebbe, wrestling.

• Update the billing vendor for the previously approved security camera upgrades from July 17, 2024. The same equipment, installation, and team will be installing the cameras. Due to a reorganization, billing will be handled through a new vendor name.

Due to a choir concert, there will be a change to the upcoming regular board meeting time on Wednesday, Oct. 16, to 5:30 p.m.

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