Piqua YMCA celebrates new facility


By Sheryl Roadcap

[email protected]

PIQUA — “‘Alright, alright, alright!’” were the words of Steve Staley, the capital campaign chairman for the new Piqua YMCA, when quoting actor Matthew McConaughey’s famous line, about reaching the finishing line and celebrating the new facility.

Finally, after decades in the making, and five years of planning and work, Piqua has a new YMCA named Miami County YMCA UVMC/Premier Health Branch.

Thursday afternoon, Oct. 17, hundreds of stakeholders, city and business leaders and members of the public gathered in the small gymnasium located at the rear of the facility on the first floor for a dedication celebration ceremony. Attendees were greeted and lead to the celebration where staff members, appetizers and music by The Gotham City Bass Quintet welcomed them.

“What we’ve done in the last five years is a symbol of team, an amazing team of volunteers, and everybody was focused on a common goal,” said Staley. “And in fact, everyone in this room participated, either with your volunteered time, or with your financial contribution, or both. And we all should be very, very proud.”

Jim McMaken, Miami County YMCA executive director, first kicked-off the event by welcoming the crowd and thanking all for their contribution, as well recognizing staff members and leaders to bring this day to fruition. McMaken was followed by a prayer by The Rev. Joe Hinds, and remarks by Kevin Harlan, Upper Valley Medical Center (UVMC) & Atrium Medical Center president; J. Robert Taylor, Taylor Architects Inc. founder and president; Sean Dorsten Inc.; H.A. Dorsten Inc. president; Elizabeth Gutman, Miami County YMCA three-term board president; and Staley. Joe Dickerson, current Miami County YMCA president, planned to attend and speak at the event, but was absent due to a death in the family.

Each speaker praised the volunteers, staff, steering committee, craftsmen’s work, and financial contributors. UVMC was specifically recognized, as it is the lead financial donor, that according to Staley, “jump started the capital campaign” and therefore added its name to the facility’s name.

Aside from thanking the donors who make the facility possible, Staley also shared news he recently learned that Miami County YMCA had been awarded a large grant by the Board of the Miami County Commissioners. The grant will pay for the demolition of the old Piqua YMCA facility still standing across the street from the new facility on West High Street. In its place, eventually a new parking lot will be paved for members.

“More good news. This is hot off the presses,” Staley said. “In fact, I just got this information yesterday. Through the diligence and hard work of the commissioners seated in front — Ted Mercer, Wade Westfall and Greg Simmons — we were notified that we have been awarded a very large grant that will take care of the entire demolition of the building across the street.”

“For the first time, we as a team, all of us, collectively, can say that when the association has collected all of the remaining pledges, there will be zero debt as a result of this project,” Staley said. “It’s time to wrap up, and what I want to say is thank you, thank you to all of you. …”

At the conclusion of his speech, McMaken and Gutman came from behind to surprise and honor Staley for his hard work on the project with a large glass plaque etched with his name and picture and the following saying:

“The Miami County YMCA capital campaign chairman Steve Staley grew up at the Piqua YMCA and understood its importance to our community. Combining his hometown passion and exceptional leadership abilities, Steve guided the campaign through many challenges, a literal years of hands-on fundraising. The YMCA found the right person and the end result of Steve’s dedication and selfless work, was a beautiful new facility our community can be proud of for many years. Steve you are right in so many ways, ‘We got this.’”

The crowd then erupted in a standing applause to a visibly humbled and emotional Staley before them.

“This beautiful plaque and all the beautiful signage in our building was put together by our 1157 Donor Design and our friends VPP, so certainly take a look at those signs; they are beautiful. This plaque of Steve will hang in our lobby forever,” McMaken said in conclusion.

The Miami County YMCA UVMC/Premier Health Branch also extended “a heart felt thank you” to the 535-plus donors who are listed on the “Wall of Recognition” in the lobby of the new facility on West High Street in Piqua.

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