Tipp council tables land modifying ordinance to January 2022


TIPP CITY — An ordinance modifying the comprehensive land use development plan’s future use map was tabled by Tipp City Council at the Monday, Nov. 15 meeting.

The ordinance would modify two adjoining parcels within the Northgate Commerce Center Subdivision, along County Road 25A and Kinna Drive, from industrial node to mixed use neighborhood. According to Community Development Director Matt Spring, the reason for modifying the parcels is because the land has been for sale for approximately 20 years and there have been topographical issues on using the lot for an industrial building, as originally intended.

The reason for tabling the ordinance came after Tipp City resident Abby Bowling brought concerns to council regarding changing the land use development plan’s future use map. Bowling was concerned that modifying the parcels to a mixed-use neighborhood would reduce tax revenue to the schools, negatively impact the traffic in the area, and have impact long-term to city programs and budgets.

“Personally, I think the proposed ordinance should be voted down or at the very least, tabled until a new council is sworn in. You have new members taking office in January, and I think this is a long-term project with potential modifications and zoning changes to reappear before the new council. I think the incoming council should determine if the comprehensive development plan should be modified again, not a lame duck council,” Bowling said.

Council member Mike McFarland, who introduced the ordinance at the Nov. 1 council meeting, motioned to table voting on the ordinance until January, after the new council was sworn in. The vote to table the ordinance passed in a unanimous vote.

“I want to thank (Mrs. Bowling) for coming forward and raising those concerns. You raised a particularly interesting issue with regard to whether or not this is appropriate to change that master plan and whether or not it’s appropriate for the new council to be addressing that. You really persuaded the people up here to actually make a difference,” Mayor Joseph Gibson said.

Council also swore in Charles Rielage as assistant chief of fire and emergency services. Rielage began his career in 1993 as a part-time fire lieutenant and paramedic with Colerain Township Fire and EMS and has come to Tipp City from the Village of Evendale Fire Department, where he served as a paramedic and fire lieutenant for 21 years.

Council unanimously passed the following items at Monday’s meeting:

• A resolution authorizing the renewal of the Tipp-Monroe Community Services recreational programs contract at a cost not to exceed $17,700;

• A resolution approving the construction agreement and the subdividers agreement including all documents for phase three of the Fieldstone Place Subdivision; and

• A motion approving the Restoration Board and Architectural Board of Review’s Annual Plan.

The next Tipp City Council meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 6.

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