Hoffman United holds Hometown Heroes event


For the Miami Valley Today

WEST MILTON — Hoffman United Methodist Church in West Milton hosted a Hometown Heroes military banner retirement program on Saturday, Nov. 13. The banners are displayed on utility poles from Memorial Day through Veterans Day each year. The banners are retired after five years. Nineteen were on display to be taken home at the conclusion of the program.

Rev. Robbie Scott opened with prayer. Dennis Albaugh, representing American Legion Post 487, presented the American flag followed by singing of the Star Bangled Banner by the audience. Albaugh, an Air Force Veteran, made a short speech about the importance of sharing with children, sharing history and teaching respect for the U.S. flag and the country. He also shared about some of the programs the American Legion sponsors for the youth. He thanked the families who were present and shared his appreciation of those they represented.

Norman Hiester presented a very moving powerpoint program of pictures and lists of military personnel from WWI to the war in the Middle East. Main speaker, Jim Wright, an Air Force Veteran, shared the meaning of each item on the table that represents MIA-POW personnel. Thousands are still unaccounted for but, using modern methods, every effort is being made to identify those found and bring them back to their families.

Air Force veteran Scott Fogle shared the history of the Hometown Heroes program and read the names of the banners being retired. Air Force veteran Dr. Cliff Poling read the meaning of the 13 folds of the flag while the flag was being folded. Wright played Taps.

Before closing with prayer, Rev. Jim Weeks shared that his grandfather, father, and brothers served from WWI to Vietnam. He was very moved and shared his appreciation for the program.

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