Tipp Board of Education approves library trustee nomination in 2-0 vote


TIPP CITY — The Tipp City Board of Education approved the nomination of Frank Scenna to a seven-year term on the Tipp City Library Board of Trustees with two votes in favor and three abstentions.

Board members Joellen Heatherly and Simon Patry voted in favor of Scenna’s nomination with board member Corine Doll, Vice President Anne Zakkour and President Theresa Dunaway abstaining from voting.

During the discussion, there was some confusion over whether or not there was a set policy on the board’s role in appointing library trustees and what that policy was. Zakkour said that she felt that the appointment needed to be tabled until a better outline of a policy could be presented, as well as addressing a lack of community information.

“What does that mean moving forward? If there’s not a corrective measure or counter-measure to not doing that, then why even have it in there,” Zakkour said.

Heatherly pointed out that the board had already approved a trustee in a previous meeting without having a set policy or procedure in place.

“The motion is to approve this nominee,” Heatherly said. “If you’re having questions about whether the process was followed or adhered to—that is not what this about.”

Doll argued that it was important to address the concerns over whether policy worked and whether the trustee position was adequately advertised to the public.

The board also unanimously accepted two different grants at Monday’s meeting. The district received $9,274.79 from the Miami County Foundation and $539.00 from the STEM Boosters. The STEM Boosters grant money will go toward an incubator and accessories for Tippecanoe Middle School.

“We’re just very appreciative of those grants,” Dunaway said.

The itemized breakdown of the grant from the Miami County Foundation is as follows:

• Sensory items for self-regulation, $718.78;

• Nevin Coppock Elementary Muse Machine Artist in Residency program, $1,500;

• Broadway Elementary tables for outdoor learning space, $1,900;

• Broadway Elementary Generation Genius, $1,495.00;

• Broadway Elementary Johnston Farms field trip, $800;

• Tippecanoe High School cultural heritage studies, $680.00;

• Tippecanoe High School sensory garden, $1,492.01; and

• Tippecanoe High School Unite in Red, $689.00.

The board also approved the following at Monday’s meeting:

• The treasurer’s monthly financial report in a 3-0-2 vote, with Doll and Patry abstaining;

• The five year forecast in a 2-0-3 vote, with Doll, Patry and Dunaway abstaining;

• The hiring of Bonnie Berkemeyer-Muckenthaler, SNS Foodservice Consultant, starting Jan. 1, 2022 for $8,550 in a 4-0-1 vote with Patry abstaining;

• The hiring of Kyle Corbin for after-school supervision in a unanimous vote;

• The resignations of Tippecanoe Middle School educational aide Angela King and Tippecanoe Middle School head baseball coach Austin Haddon in a unanimous vote;

• The hiring of MacKenzie English for a long-term substitute position at Tippecanoe Middle School, Michelle Profitt as a bus driver and Melinda Shaw as a Tippecanoe Middle School educational aide in a unanimous vote;

• The hiring of Charles Taylor, Jason Morris, Anthony Izor, Kory Florence, Blake Ballard and Patricia Brown for athletic and club supplemental staff positions in a unanimous vote;

• The hiring of Kara Crawford, Stephanie Johnson, Ashley Moore and Leona Ware as substitute teachers and Tammy Rafferty as a cafe sub and sub aide in a unanimous vote;

• Declaring five fold-out cafeteria tables with attached benches obsolete and putting the tables up for public auction to be sold to the highest bidder in a unanimous vote; and

• Two out-of-state AP History trips to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with the 2020 make-up trip being held Nov. 18 through 21 and the 2021 trip being held Dec. 9 through 12 in a unanimous vote.

The next regular board meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 13.

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