Battery burning committee


To the editor:

The City of Piqua formed a committee a couple of months ago. This committee was to investigate the burning of lithium batteries at the old water plant.

This committee meets every week on Thursday. They have the job of finding out what went on at the water plant. Who was involved. How did the burning get out of control.

The information they have been gathering has taken many turns. The number of people (companies) that were involved in sending batteries to the site. The number of burns that took place compared to the number that were reported.

These 5 citizens have put in many hours in meetings and on their own collecting information.

They have a huge job to do and do not get paid for their time. They deserve respect. Respect from our citizens and respect from our city leaders, including our commissioners.

I believe that after tonight’s commission meeting (Tuesday, July 16), an apology is owed to the people on this committee. Particularly one commissioner that found it necessary to insult the two committee members that visited the water plant. At the time they visited, they did not think to wear protective gear. They didn’t think about what they were going to be exposed to when they took their tour. Yet the city allowed them to go without protective gear.

I feel that this commissioner should remove himself from being a city commissioner. The people on this committee have a hard and stressful job to do and do not have to tolerate being attacked at a city meeting.

Deron Yingst


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