Their View


By Bryan Golden

The Amish Cook: Penny supper casserole


We’re home! Yes, home sweet home. How is it possible to have such a wonderful trip, but then be so delighted to be home again? The younger children were not as impressed about being home, so I explained to them that in order for us to go away again, we first need to go home! We all see things through a different set of lenses, right?

The Amish Cook: A canning story


Have you ever had the opportunity to can with little helpers? I have. We’ve had so much fun and so many messes.

A story after Memorial Day


We just honored the war dead on Monday of this week, and I want to tell you the story of one who didn’t die and how his community is honoring him.

Jim McGuire: Time, seasons & transitions


May is almost over, marking another month that will soon be finished and gone.

Jim McGuire: Summer isn’t endless


Summer’s here. The passing solstice a week ago made it official—though given the sweltering weather which preceded this invisible astronomical milestone, many of us would argue the season had already arrived early.

Jim McGuire: Regular astonishment


Decades ago, an elderly hill-country stream fisherman named Raleigh Cantrell shared something which has proven more insightful with each passing year.

Jim McGuire: Mulberries along the creek


On a recent morning, I happened to be checking out a certain pool on Greenville Creek when I came across a pair of mulberry trees loaded with ripe fruits.