Biden must focus on affordable, reliable electricity

Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, along with a new Biden administration, promise sweeping policy changes in the United States. This includes campaign...
The Amish Cook

The Amish Cook: Crispy pizza quesadillas

Julia came bounding in the back door on her return home from school. She enjoys her short trek through the woods that separate us...

Jim McGuire: Visiting beaver


February is here—the final full month of winter. Just six weeks from today, spring will make its official debut.

Supporting Ohio communities during the pandemic


I hear from local leaders all over our state that they need more resources from the federal government to get through this pandemic. Their costs are up, while revenue is down. That’s why this week, I introduced the Direct Support for Communities Act, which would provide federal dollars directly to Ohio cities, towns, villages, and counties.

Increasing treatment options for Ohioans with addiction


We were already dealing with an addiction crisis in Ohio before COVID-19, and this pandemic is only making it worse.

Shopping in the pandemic

This pandemic has made many of us conduct our normal routines in exceedingly different ways. I might even call them “abnormal” ways. For example,...

Cruising on uneasy street

Along with a new shoulder, I acquired a new car. Unfortunately, they did not come as a buy one, get one free duo. In...

Helping Ohioans pay the rent

Before this crisis, a quarter of renters spent more than half of their incomes on housing, often putting them one emergency away from impossible...

The backbone of our services

By Brian W. GreenYou may have noticed some billboards or social media posts lately calling attention to Direct Support Professionals who work in the...

Jim McGuire: A strange springtime

Spring! Is it finally here?Not here by the calendar—here by what we envision and expect spring in Ohio to be; a cozy, gentle spring,...