Thanks for verifying the facts

I appreciate Representative Steve Huffman’s response to my article on the school choice scam perpetrated on Ohioans by the Ohio Legislature. He employed many...

Guess What’s New in Reading?

ENGLEWOOD — As we move into March and think about spring just around the corner, it’s time to dust off the winter blahs and...

I Came, I saw, iPad

As promised, or, as some like to say, warned, this is the second installment about my buying a new iPad. Writing two columns about...

A different perspective on school choice

I thought I would respond to Tom Dunn’s column dated Jan. 30, 2020 titled “Yet another political scam exposed.” I would like to add...

Celery: A medicine chest in disguise

It turns out that for over 50 years, I have held on to, in fact, I have nurtured, a ridiculous prejudice. I have always...

Jim McGuire: My hearth axe

I keep three tools on the hearth beside the woodstove. Along with the usual poker and ash shovel, there’s a short-handled hewing axe. I...

Jim Krumel: Three men, three thoughts on gun control

They came.They talked.And they disagreed.That pretty much sums up the conversation about gun control that took place during the annual Associated Press Legislative Forum...

Who could ask for more when you’re 64?

Back in 1967, when I was 11 years old, I never thought I’d be part of a Beatles song.But it’s true. Here I am...

Lori Borgman: When appliances are all washed up

We need a new washing machine, but one does not simply dash out and buy a new machine these days, one first does research.I...

Patrick D. Kennedy: Heritage preserved at Johnston Farm

We are fortunate in our county to have a great heritage. We have events and people of historic significance that are part of our...