Five vie for Covington Council seats


COVINGTON — Five candidates are vying for four seats on the Covington Village Council.

The following are responses submitted by each of the candidates, beginning with the incumbent:

• Dawn Duff

Family information: Married with no children.

Occupation: Senior Staff Accountant for a company in Miamisburg.

Previous political experience: I have no previous political experience other than being on the Covington Council for the past four years.

Qualifications: I am currently on the Covington Council. I have an Associate’s Degree in Human Resource Management from Edison State, Bachelor’s in Forensic Accounting (Auditing) from Franklin University, and a MBA from Wright State University. I have been in the accounting/business field for over 16 years. While working on my Bachelor’s Degree, I was required to take governmental accounting. The types of accounting and funds the village handles is nothing new to me.

Reason for seeking office: I am re-running for office because I want to see our village to continue to grow. I want to be able to help the village on updating the waste treatment plant, the parks, and bring in new businesses while supporting those businesses who are in the village currently. I have a background in accounting and understand what is going out and coming in the village finances.

Goals for office if elected: My goals is to support the update of the waste treatment plant. Update and renovate the Community Park. Listen and incorporate the village residents ideas and concerns for the Schoolhouse park.

What do you see as the greatest need to be addressed in the position you seek:

The greatest need is communication with the residents and helping them understand where the council is on items. For example, the Schoolhouse Park. Yes, a big proposal for the park that require shutting streets was brought to the residents and there were residents unhappy with the idea of closing streets. The residents need to understand that many of the grants we apply for require the “big picture” to apply for financing the begin the building of this park. We heard the residents and their concerns. The residents need to realize the possible completion of this “big” park plan is at least a decade out if not longer. Plus, each stage of the Schoolhouse Park has to go through council approvals and will take time for approvals and scheduling construction. Depending on how those approvals go, the park may not be as big as the currently plan. There are many components which go into the building of the park and will take time and oversight to put them in place.

• Julie Blumenstock, Covington Council

Family information: I have three teenage boys.

Occupation: Mother/Domestic Engineer.

Previous political experience: Active voter.

Qualifications: Resident of Covington for 25 years, recently moved to the town limits. Home owner, children attend Covington Schools. Utilize local businesses. Concern about our village and the community.

Reason for seeking office: To help promote positive community and business interaction with the council. To be a fresh voice to the council.

Goals for office if elected: To have an open door policy for all members of the community to express their thoughts and opinions. I would like everyone to feel they have a voice. To promote our current businesses and encourage new businesses. To support our village to the best of my ability.

What do you see as the greatest need to be addressed in the position you seek:

To bring our community together and have their input in matters of the village. To continue to promote Covington as a great place to live and work.

• Joyce Robertson

Family information: Married 49 years. Three children, two grandchildren.

Occupation: Retired.

Previous political experience: Served 2 terms as Village Councilwoman

Qualifications: I will bring experience to the table that no other candidate has; an associates degree, magna cum laude, with emphasis on public administration and two terms experience as an elected councilwoman. I have also worked for the federal, state and local governments and have an understanding of systems and structures that already exist.

Reason for seeking office: To give village residents a voice in the decisions made. Decisions made at the council table should be a reflection of the entire community. I am not afraid to speak my mind or ask the tough questions that should be asked and discussed during council’s public meetings prior to voting.

Goals for office if elected: I want to ensure that spending is prioritized. I am most concerned with taxes, fees and rate increases. Needs should be placed before wants. Street repair should be taken care of before spending money on designing a second park. We have large expenditures facing us with High Street reconstruction and wastewater plant renovations. We should be focusing on having sufficient funds for those needs before we invest in park designs and purchasing property for park/parking areas.

What do you see as the greatest need to be addressed in the position you seek:

The greatest need is for council members to hear what constituents want and vote accordingly. Citizens should feel free to attend meetings and voice concerns. Concerns and comments should be welcome at council meetings.

It is important for us to support our first responders employed on the police and fire departments, as well as our village employees. We should support our local businesses which would strengthen our local economy. I am excited that we have five persons willing to step up and run for office, only one of which is an incumbent. It is thrilling to know that all new members to the council will be elected and not appointed. New council members will be in a learning curve. I stand ready to assist with any concerns or questions new council members may have regarding the workings of the village and the consequences of their decisions.

• Amy Welborn

Family information: Husband, Brent, and eight children, Bennett, Eve, Johanna, Kent, Lucy, Mosley, Ruth, and Theo.

Occupation: Owner/Doula-A Welborn Baby, Co-Owner-Well Worn Clothing Co., Staff Librarian-J.R. Clarke Public Library, Covington.

Previous political experience: N/A

Qualifications: Having eight children, I am an invested citizen. My husband and I are small business owners supporting other Covington-based businesses. Working at J.R. Clarke Public Library has allowed me to serve those within this community and hear the needs of the community.

Reason for seeking office: I love the village of Covington. I grew up here, left for college, started a family, and moved back to raise our eight children here. Covington is an amazing village with a lot happening right now. I am running for Council because while there is much good going on right now, change within the council chambers needs to happen.

Goals for office if elected:

Listening is one of my biggest desire, along with authenticity. I plan to be out in the community, surveying the needs of the residents and business owners, attending community events, and being available to be a bridge between the residents and the village administration. I would also like to cultivate an inviting environment. Help attract diverse and sustainable businesses to assist in Covington’s growth and promote the revitalization of our downtown business district, which will help to create a better quality of life.

What do you see as the greatest need to be addressed in the position you seek:

Reunifying our community. Covington is a special place. I grew up here. My parents and grandparents grew up here. I plan to continue to raise my family here. Significant momentum is happening in our community. There has also been a lot of negativity and distrust. I am an optimistic and proactive person. I feel balancing progress with preservation is so vital at this pivotal time. While there will be issues we all won’t fully agree on, I promise to listen, learn and love.

• Derrick Canan

Family info: I am the proud father of four children, Ethan 16, Alexis 13, Charlotte and Aria my twins are 4. I have been married to my amazing wife, Heather, for seven years now. We also have a sweet and goofy dog, Moses.

Occupation: Journeyman Lineman for the Tipp City Electric Department.

Previous political experience: I am the vice president of Tipp City’s Union AFSCME.

Goals of office if elected: To be a true pair of listening ears. I seek to be a fair councilman that listens to their community. Someone that will fight to address the community’s cares and concerns. I want to give my people an open minded councilman that is always available for dialogue. I want to see our community grow with different opportunities to have festivities and chances of togetherness.

What is the greatest need to be addressed in the position you seek:

I would list true transparency in the relationship of the village council and its community members. A citizen should have an opportunity to talk with its council over their concerns and cares. It is the duty of the council to make the best decisions they can for the greater good of the people.

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