Is everyone asleep?


To the editor:

Did you know the 2020 census in Tipp City said we had over 10,000 residents? Did you know generally less than 10 people show up for City Council, Township or School board meetings?

Were you aware the school is operating in a deficit? Did you know they recently got rid of staff in what they called a reduction in force, (RIF), due to financial reasons? Did you know that every month since these employees lost their jobs the board has been hiring more staff? Did you know that they are spending over $200,000.00 to renovate LT Ball for 5 classrooms and we the taxpayers don’t know if these renovations are going to be conducive to the planned renovation for the board offices to go in the building at a later date or if this is wasted money? Did you know they are passing every item on their agenda with little or no discussion at all? Did you know the teachers’ contract expires July 31st, without any word of how close they are to a new one?

Did you know the city council just changed Chapter 37 of the City Code and reclassified jobs, handed out wage increases and hired more personnel? Did you know that salary studies were done comparing Tipp to Centerville, (twice the size in population and tax base)? Did you know that one employee who has been there less than 6 months received a 50% pay increase? Did you know this was passed without any fiscal statement presentation or budget discussion? Did you know these things were passed without input from the new City Manager?

Is your wallet or purse open for the school and other government officials to reach into any time with no questions ask? Do you have so much money that you don’t care how it is spent or if it is thrown away?

The people of Tipp City need to open their eyes. If people don’t start waking up, pay attention and call out the people on these boards and councils and the decisions they are making with your money you may as well just drop your paycheck off at their door each payday.

Everyone needs to spend time looking at the agendas and minutes of these meetings! Everyone needs to attend these meetings! Everyone needs to be an active participant! Stop sitting on the sidelines! Show up! Get involved!

Kathy Bone

Tipp City

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