Ohio farmer supports Brown


To the editor:

Thanks to the efforts of Senator Sherrod Brown, the EPA recently announced it will be lifting its ban on E15 fuel. Because of Sherrod’s work, Ohio families can expect to pay less for gas this summer and Ohio farmers will be able to market more corn, bolster their local economies, and provide a clean fuel for a cleaner environment.

This announcement is good for Ohio, good for farmers, good for air quality, and good for the wallets of working families.

Lifting the ban on E15 fuel means Ohio farmers can sell more corn and keep our farms afloat, even when corn prices may be lower. As a farmer myself, I know that the dollars Ohio’s corn farmers generate selling more of their crops will be invested right back into our local towns and rural communities, making our state’s economy stronger.

Ethanol also keeps gas prices down for working families. E15 fuel is about 15 cents cheaper per gallon than regular gasoline, and that will make a big difference for Ohio families who are traveling more over the summer and using more gas.

Increasing E15 production also makes sure we’re using more fuel produced right here in the United States, meaning we rely less on other countries and can keep prices stable for Ohioans at the fuel pump.

All of this, thanks to the work of Sherrod Brown.

Last month, Sherrod joined with several Senators of both parties to push the EPA to lift the ban, pointing to the importance of E15 fuel as an energy source and in keeping costs down. Thankfully, the EPA listened.

Sherrod has also introduced legislation that would make E15 fuel available year-round.

Sherrod has always been willing to put party politics aside, work across the aisle, and do what’s right for our state.

Ohio farmers are lucky to have a champion like Senator Sherrod Brown representing our interests in Washington. And all Ohioans are lucky to have Sherrod fighting for us and getting results.

Christopher R. Gibbs,

Shelby County Farmer,

President, Rural Voices USA

Maplewood, Ohio

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