Piqua Commission honors Officer Beasley


By Eamon Baird

[email protected]

PIQUA — Retired Police Officer Rick Beasley was honored for his years of service to Piqua during the City Commission Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Beasley, who recently retired after 25 years in the Piqua Police Department, was read a proclamation by Mayor Kris Lee.

“In recognition and appreciation of the public service of Rick R Beasley with the city of Piqua. this commission tenders its unanimous and respectful tribute by this resolution,” Lee read.

“I had the pleasure of working with Rick for 16 years and I do have some good stories about Rick, but I’ll save those for later,” Lee said with a laugh, adding Beasley was great to work with.

The commissioners also issued a proclamation designating the week of Sept. 16 – 20 as National Adult Education & Family Literacy Week.

“Our city of Piqua celebrates Adult Education and Family Literacy Week and as a proud participant in the national Educate & Elevate Campaign which helps our citizens learn about all of their Adult Education options to attain their professional and personal goals,” the proclamation read.

In new business, the commission approved three resolutions to execute revolving loan agreements for three new companies in Piqua.

Asbury Jerky LLC was approved for a $61,000 loan; Chocolate Nation LLC was approved for a $201,000 loan; and Meal Prep Life LLC a $46,000 loan.

Commissioner Frank DeBrosse complimented Community and Economic Development Director Chris Schmiesing for his work with the three new businesses and stated he looks forward to them thriving in the city.

“This is economic development done right,” DeBrosse said. “These are investments with friendly interest rates.”

The commission listened to the first readings of the following ordinances:

• To increase the appropriations budget by $165,000. This will include $20,000 to purchase a software program for compiling the annual financial report; and $45,000 to hire a temporary accountant through a temp agency. This amount assumes a contracted accountant through the remainder of the year; to increase operations and maintenance for continued street and alley repair, as there has been the need for more repairs than anticipated; to provide an upgrade for the accounting system.

• To authorize the issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds for the purchase of financing the construction of the Lock 9 Park. The note is for internal borrowing of funds in which the Lock 9 Capital Improvement Fund borrowed $5.8 million from the Wastewater Fund. According to the city, the plan is to pay the Wastewater Fund $2,2266,728.44 including $226,728.44 interest. Issuance costs are $12,000 which will be paid to the bond council. The new note will have an outstanding balance of $3.8 million. The funds for the 2024 payment will come from the Lock 9 Fund.

The commission also authorized the following resolutions:

• To transfer a portion of the former Miami and Erie Canal land owned by the city of Piqua to an adjoining property owner for $2,000. The portion of the property to be transferred is occupied by parking lot improvements. This area will be leased to the same adjoining property owner.

• The reimbursement of $30,894.50 for the city to complete nuisance abatement activities to be placed on properties subject to special assessment.

Commissioner Paul Simmons was not in attendance at the meeting.

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