Pop quiz time


By Kathy Henne

Contributing columnist

Here’s a simple quiz. If you were buying a home today, would you buy the first home you see? Probably not. Would you buy a home if your agent told you it was priced above fair market value? I doubt it. Would you purchase a home with a leaky roof, obsolete appliances, and a defective heating system without a price concession. Absolutely not, unless you’re an investor with the ability to take on any defect you find.

But, what if you are selling your home? The same rules apply! Buyers usually look at more than one home, and they compare amenities, updating and prices. Overpriced homes that are not listed at fair market value are often left on the market for extended periods of time. Buyers will bargain for price concessions when they see a home in need of repairs and updating.

So, what’s the message here for property owners? It’s simple. Offer your home in mint condition, at fair market value, and buyers will compete to own it. A fair market price can be determined through a market analysis by your trusted real estate agent. You’ll receive current sales data with which to make an informed pricing decision.

Remember, buyers compare before making a purchase. Let your home be the standard which all other homes are measured, then get packing.

Contact the Kathy Henne Team Re/MAX by calling 937-778-3961

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