Tipp City Council OKs contracts for new substation


By Amantha Garpiel

For Miami Valley Today

TIPP CITY — During its Aug. 19 meeting, Tipp City City Council approved seven resolutions authorizing the City Manager to enter into various contracts for the continuation of the city’s new substation, among several other actions.

The seven resolutions approved to authorize new contracts between the city and various contractors all passed unanimously and all are for continuing work on Substation No. 4.

The contracts are with:

• Tatman Associates, of Cleveland, for structures, bussing and switches at a cost of $724,760;

• Anixter Inc., of Hamilton, for three 69KV vacuum circuit breakers at a cost of $327,697.65;

• Robert S. Howley Co., of Columbus, for purchase of one 69kV circuit switcher at a cost of $199,960;

• Virginia Transformer Corporation, of Roanoke, Virginia, for the purchase of one 69 – 12.47 kV power transformer at a cost of $1,048,969;

• Myers Controlled Power, of Canton, for the purchase of one Lineup Indoor 15kV Switchgear at a cost of $766,475;

• SEL of West Lafayette, Indiana, for the purchase of four 69kV relay and control panels at a cost of $200,647;

• Peak Electric, of West Toledo, for the purchase of 12 333kVa voltage regulators at a cost of $471,012.

The council also passed a resolution authorizing and directing the city manager to enter into a contract with the Miami County Public Defender’s Office for the purpose of paying for legal defense of indigent persons.

The last resolution approved during the meeting authorized a transfer of $150,000 from the city to the Community Improvement Corporation of Tipp City. These funds will be used to begin funding a revolving loan program and professional services related to the Uptown Redevelopment contract.

The council then heard the first reading of ordinances that will come to them for a vote at the next council meeting.

The first reading presented was for an ordinance amending the 2024 appropriations and authorizing a repayment of a 2023 advance of funds, issuance of a 2024 advance of funds and modifying the annual operating budget as a result of the changes.

Council then heard the first reading of an ordinance suggesting modifications for code section 94 of the Tipp City Code of Ordinances.

Lastly, council heard the first reading of an ordinance to authorize the issuance of bond anticipation notes in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 for a one year period.

In other business:

City council approved a motion to combine the capital improvement workshop and the operating budget workshop into one meeting scheduled on Monday, Sept. 30. This subsequently cancels the previously scheduled workshops.

Council approved a motion authorizing the police chief and city manager to sign an F2 permit application for the Downtown Tipp City Partnership for the 2024 Harvest Fest Street Party on Oct. 19. An F2 permit allows for the sale of beer, wine, mixed beverages and spirits.

The writer is a regular contributor to Miami Valley Today.

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