Troy takes third at David Christoff Memorial; Sargent co-medalist


SPRINGFIELD — The Troy boys golf team shot 328 at Reid Park North Saturday to take third in the David Christoff Memorial.

Mitchell Sargent led the way, taking co-medalist honors with 74.

“Mitchell (Sargent) continues to play well at Reid (Park),” Troy coach Mark Evilsizor said. “Mitchell just finds ways to score low. He chipped in at eight for birdie and had multiple really good looks for birdie during the round. His game has progressed to the point where if one aspect struggles, then the other parts of the game make up for it.”

Jeffrey Smith had 83, Van Davis carded an 84, Isaac Burns had a 97 and Casey Beckner added a 90.

“We have had mixed results over the years at the Christoff,” Evilsizor said. “In the seven years we have competed, today was the lowest score.”

Troy will play West Carrollton at Pipestone Golf Course Tuesday and return to Reid Park for the Springfield Invitational Wednesday.

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