Walk to End Alzheimer’s returns Saturday


By Carly Rose

[email protected]

TROY — Miami County Courthouse Plaza will fill up this weekend with Miami County citizens to Walk to End Alzheimer’s disease; the event aims to educate about the disease and who are affected by it.

Registration for the walk, held in Troy at Courthouse Plaza on West Main Street, begins at 9 a.m. The opening ceremony starts at 9:40 a.m. and the walk begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21.

A general term for memory loss and the most common form of dementia is called Alzheimer’s disease and accounts for 60 to 80% of dementia cases.

The purpose of this event is to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support, and research programs. The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s supports free local programs and services that help families facing the disease today. It also supports research to drive advancements that give these families more time through treatments.

All funds raised through the Walk to End Alzheimer’s further care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association. The Alzheimer’s Association is a nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

In addition to the 2-mile-walk, participants learn about Alzheimer’s disease and how to get involved with advocacy opportunities, the latest in Alzheimer’s research and clinical trials, and support programs and services.

Every registered participant who achieves the fundraising minimum of $100 will receive an official Walk to End Alzheimer’s T-shirt via USPS. To receive a shirt in time for walk day, participants must raise the T-shirt minimum at least four weeks prior to the event.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association 2024 Alzheimer’s Disease facts and figures in Ohio, there are more than 236,200 people living with Alzheimer’s and more than 414,000 family members and friends caring for them.

When people register, they will be asked to choose a pinwheel flower in one of the following colors:

• Purple — meaning you have lost someone to Alzheimer’s;

• Orange — meaning you support the cause, but may not have a direct connection;

• Yellow — meaning you are a caregiver for a family/friend or professionally;

• Blue — meaning you are living with Alzheimer’s disease.

The flowers will be used in the ceremony and then the walkers may take their flowers on the walk and home is turned in that day.

Charles Fox, with Walk for Alzheimer’s Association in Miami County, said, “The event is very emotional, and we are always trying to increase awareness of Alzheimer’s, said Fox. “This disease is one of the top ten killers that doesn’t have a cure and has no way to slow down, so people can expect a very emotional and moving ceremony.”

“I have an emotional connection to this disease, I have been a part of the association for 10 years,” said Fox. “I don’t want people to go through what my mom and family did and see in my lifetime.”

Fox also noted one thing that is different about this year’s event from last year’s is that they are doing a Tippecanoe-Troy challenge, to raise awareness for the two schools.

“We are always wanting more people to participate,” said Fox.

You don’t need to know someone with Alzheimer’s to walk next Saturday. Organizers encourage the public to just come walk to show your support. Each year over 600 communities in the U.S. Walk to End Alzheimer’s because every day, across the country, someone develops Alzheimer’s every 65 seconds, from which there will be no survivors.

The Alzheimer’s Association was formed in April 1980 to spread awareness and make support programs available. The Walk helps raise money to support the research and outreaches of the association to eradicate the disease.

For more information about the walk, visit their website at https://act.alz.org/site/TR?sid=23932&type=fr_informational&pg=informational&fr_id=17846 or call at 937-768-2494

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