Cross Creek Hydroponics offers food growth solutions


By Kathleen Leese

For Miami Valley Today

TIPP CITY — Cross Creek Hydroponics, a new non-profit organization located at 18 N. Second St. in Tipp City, held a ribbon cutting on Friday, April 19. The business will be bringing a new way for local residents to learn about soil-free gardening.

While Cross Creek Hydroponics is new to Tipp City, Tami Kincer, who is the owner, has been operating the non-profit in other areas of the country since 2021.

Cross Creek will offer workshops and opportunities for local residents to learn how they can grow produce any time of the year. This method provides 4-to-10 times the standard yield from traditional soil plants and they use less water than traditional soil based gardening. It will significantly reduce the need for chemicals to treat pests and disease.

According to information provided by Cross Creek, this method means gardening can occur anytime and anywhere, including deserts, mountains, the arctic circle or even sandy beaches.

Kincer, who owns the non-profit organization, said, “We continue the vision to bring opportunities for families in food insecure households to build, grow and learn methods of growing fresh produce year round.”

“Doing this through hands-on programs provides nutrition education in public and private schools, community youth and senior living centers with vertical grow towers and raised garden beds,” Kincer said. “Generous donations make this available at no cost to those with little means to participate otherwise and we thank you for every penny given.”

Kincer invites local residents to visit their website at and select the Tower Gardens tab to learn how you can grow fresh produce for your family, neighbors or community food outreach.

Kincer said local residents will be “pleasantly surprised” by what hydroponics can do and noted that donations “benefit Cross Creek mission projects.”

She added, “We are so blessed and happy to be in Tipp City serving the Miami County.”

Cross Creek will hold their first introductory workshop on Saturday, May 4, at 10 a.m. at their new location at 18 N. Second St., Tipp City. There is a donation of $20 to participate that supports Cross Creek Cares. Cross Creek is a 501c3 tax deductible organization.

Cross Creek will be establishing regular hours and more workshops in the near future.

For more information, call Kincer at 704-756-4158 or email her at [email protected].

The writer is a regular contributor of Miami Valley Today.

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