West Milton Council taps Martin as July 4th grand marshal


By Kathleen Leese

For Miami Valley Today

WEST MILTON — West Milton Council members got to sit in on a surprise at their meeting on Tuesday, June 11, when the West Milton Celebrations director announced the grand marshal for the July 4th parade.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance and an invocation by Pastor Ty Williams, of the Hoffman Global United Methodist Church, and other business, council members heard from Wes Martin, a former NFL player. The West Milton native recently returned home and told council members he has a building secured for his business and wants to get involved with the schools and West Milton’s football program, explaining he wants to give back to the community.

Council member Don Dohrman told Martin they were glad to have him back in West Milton and said it was “cool to see you stepping in” to help with the schools and the football program.

Joy Beetley, director of West Milton Celebrations, then took the podium and asked Martin if he would be willing to serve as the grand marshal of the West Milton July 4th parade. Martin was visibly surprised by the honor and responded, “Wow. (I would) be honored. So, that’s why I’m here,” he joked.

Martin, 28, got his start on the Milton-Union High School football field where he earned Southwestern Buckeye League Offensive Lineman of the Year as a junior and then received first team All-Ohio honors in his senior year. He went on to play five years for the Indiana University Hoosiers. He became a fourth round draft pick in the NFL with the Washington Commanders and in addition to other teams, most recently played for the Cleveland Browns. Martin is now focusing on the real estate business and has returned to his West Milton roots.

The West Milton July 4th parade is scheduled for Thursday, July 4, beginning at 11 a.m.

During their meeting, Municipal Manager Jeffrey Sheridan told council members about correspondence he received from local resident Barbara Cecil and several of her neighbors, who had previously submitted a letter to the city about issues with speeding in her neighborhood. Cecil, who lives in the area of North Main and High Streets, noted there was a problem with individuals speeding,coming from the area of state Route 571 and then going through her neighborhood. Cecil noted West Milton Police have worked to stop the speeding issue, but they are still having problems and she and her neighbors fear a child could be hit. Cecil and her neighbors suggested a four-way stop at North Main and High Streets, hoping that might put a stop to speeding. Council members invited Cecil and other concerned neighbors to the next council workshop meeting to discuss the matter further.

Council members approved a resolution authorizing and approving the submission of an Alternative Tax Document for the Fiscal Year 2025. Law Director Lenee Brosh stated that it is “a routine resolution” which allows the council members to refrain from adopting a tax budget for the fiscal year 2025 and alternatively to submit to the Miami County Budget Commission the information and documents necessary in the absence of that tax budget, which is in compliance with Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC).

The council members heard the first reading of an ordinance amending a section of the code of ordinances regarding the powers and duties of the Board of Adjustment for West Milton. The Board of Adjustments hears and decides appeals in cases made by the enforcing officer in the enforcement of a code as well as other duties. The board has had difficulty having four board members at meetings and this ordinance will allow for a concurring vote of three members of the Board to decide issues before it. The council will vote in July regarding this matter.

Council passed a resolution establishing staggered terms for Planning Board members. Currently, there are five planning board members appointed by the council to serve three-year terms and due to the turnover in planning board members in the last few years, the council decided to establish planning board members serve a term of three years each based on the date they were individually appointed to the board. As a result, the three-year terms will begin on the following dates and will be up for appointment by council every three years after that with seat 1, Dec. 7, 2022; seat 2, May 4, 2022; seat 3, Feb. 7, 2024; seat 4, May 1, 2024; and seat 5, Feb. 7, 2024. If there should be a vacancy on the planning board, an individual will be appointed by the council to serve the remaining term of that seat’s vacancy.

Dohrman agreed with the plan for staggered planning board terms, telling those present, “I think it makes sense. I think it’s overdue.”

Council member Scott Fogle agreed with Dohrman.

During the meeting, Sheridan updated council members on his office, stating that one of the summer intern’s projects is underway which includes working on some of West Milton’s old records dating back to the 1880s. They are working to find a way to preserve them.

Sheridan said letters have been mailed to the owners of downtown buildings regarding the appearance expectations of those buildings. He also said work is continuing regarding solar lights.

Fogle told council members Sheridan spoke at a West Milton Rotary meeting recently and he wanted to compliment him on the excellent job he did addressing the Rotary about the National Fitness Court and plans for a local program for which West Milton has received a grant, although more funding is needed.

Council members were told Third Thursday will be held next week on June 20 beginning at 5 p.m. and will include food trucks and music.

Fogle said the Lions Club will be holding their annual BBQ chicken/bone-in pork chop dinner on July 4th beginning at 10 a.m. until they sell out at Hoffman Global Methodist Church in West Milton. Last year, they sold chicken dinners which Fogle said sold out quickly. The dinners are $11 each and include chicken or pork chop and applesauce and potato chips. They will also be sponsoring their Bingo games on July 2 and 3, from 6 to 10 p.m., and on July 4, from 3 to 9:30 p.m.

It was shared that during their council workshop meeting on Tuesday, May 28, council members heard from Fire Chief David Jay who talked with them about a new fire truck. The West Milton Fire Department and the Fire Company each have fire trucks that are 26 years old. They should be used as reserve trucks. Council members were told the company truck was refurbished in 2018, which should give it an extra 10 years of operation. It was suggested that the West Milton Fire Department’s truck be refurbished, but the council denied the request. While the fire company truck expects to replace its truck sometime in the 2030s, it was noted the fire department’s truck needs to be replaced at this time.

The committee met with three companies and received estimates on costs, and the fire truck that would provide everything the department needs, would cost $1,065,000. It was noted there is a lead time of two to six years for a truck. The Fire Company is an independent, not for profit corporation and is funded by Union Township.

During the May 28 council workshop, it was noted that council members held executive session for conferences with an “attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.”

The next meeting of the West Milton Council will be a council workshop held on Tuesday, June 25, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at 701 S. Miami St. The next village council meeting will be on Tuesday, July 9 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Council meeting times have changed to 6:30 p.m. as of June.

The writer is a regular contributor to Miami Valley Today.

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