Troy Council works to annex roadway near WACO


By Carly Rose

[email protected]

TROY — Troy City Council approved legislation on two annexation petitions filed on behalf of WACO Historical Society Inc. during its meeting on Monday, Aug. 5.

The petitions are for the annexation of roadway of South Market Street/South County Road 25A adjacent to WACO. According to information provided by the Community and Economic Development Committee, council learned three legislative items were necessary on each of the two annexation petitions.

One of the petitions was pertaining to territory containing 2.300 acres, more or less, in Concord Township; and the other petition was for certain territory containing 0.129 acres, more or less, in Concord Township.

Council approved the following six resolutions, regarding the two annexation petitions, as an emergency:

• To establish municipal services for certain territory containing 2.300 acres, more or less, in Concord Township, proposed to to be annexed to the city of Troy, that is for the annexation of roadway adjacent WACO.

• To establish buffer requirements for certain territory containing 2.300 acres, more or less, in Concord Township, proposed to be annexed to the city of Troy.

• To consent to the annexation of certain territory containing 2.300 acres, more or less, in Concord Township to the city of Troy.

• To establish municipal services for certain territory containing 0.129 acres, more or less, in Concord Township, proposed to be annexed to the city of Troy.

• To establish buffer requirements for certain territory containing 0.129 acres, more or less, in Concord Township, proposed to be annexed to the city of Troy.

• To consent to the annexation of certain territory containing 0.129 acres, more or less, in Concord Township, to the city of Troy.

Council also OK’d a resolution to approve the application of Fermentum Enterprises LLC for loan assistance from the small business development revolving loan fund to purchase additional equipment to operate Crafted & Cured. Council member-At-Large Susan Westfall abstained for personal reasons.

In other business, council heard readings on the following three ordinances:

• A second reading to change the zoning for parcel numbers D08-101816 and D08-006000, located at or near 518 E. Water St. in Troy from a M-2, light industrial district, to an OR-1, office residence district. The rezoning ordinance will return for further consideration at the next meeting on Monday, Aug. 12.

• A first reading to proceed with the South Stanfield Road reconstruction phase II project, at a cost not to exceed $1,795,000; and to authorize the director of public service and safety of the city of Troy to advertise for bids and enter into a contract for the South Stanfield Road reconstruction project phase II. This ordinance was adopted as an emergency.

• Heard a first reading to accept the final plat of The Reserves at Cliff Oaks Subdivision phase one in the city of Troy and dedicating right-of-way.

Near the end of the meeting, Mayor Robin Oda shared a reminder there is a public hearing at town hall regarding the comprehensive plan on an update for the public on Thursday, Aug. 15, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Junior High Library.

Council member Jeffrey Schilling expressed concerns about the future of Troy and how the city could improve. He noted that when he travels he looks at other cities that inspire great ideas that he would also like to see in Troy. He also expressed a desire to have a safe multi-use recreational path for children to ride their bikes, when going for ice cream, for example, in the city of Troy.

During the public comments portion of the meeting, some people also shared concerns about the city of Troy’s current and long-term development projects.

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