Letter: Troy Area Chamber of Commerce supports DORA


To the Editor:

Recently, the Board of Directors of the Troy Area Chamber of Commerce voted unanimously to support passage of the referendum to approve a Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) in downtown Troy, Ohio.

This decision was made after careful consideration of the boundaries and proposed times of the DORA. Also, taken into consideration was the positive experience other Ohio communities have had after establishing a DORA with increased sales, foot traffic, and low number of problems related to their respective DORA.

A survey of approximately 460 Chamber businesses indicated strong support of the Troy DORA, thus influencing the Board’s decision. During the discussion many businesses shared their positive personal experiences in other DORAs in the State of Ohio; Liberty Center, Mason, etc., and believe Troy businesses could benefit from a responsibly established and policed DORA.

The Board of Directors are also aware if issues occur within the DORA, the City may quickly change hours, boundaries or revoke the DORA completely.

The Troy Area Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1939 by Troy business people to become the advocate for Troy businesses; downtown, in the City of Troy and within the region. With this support, the Board of Directors are continuing our mission of advocacy for Troy business.

— Robert Davis


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