Troy Mayor Robin Oda announces intention to run for re-election in 2023


Staff report

TROY — Troy Mayor Robin recently announced her intention to run for re-election as the mayor of Troy in 2023.

“I am pleased and excited to announce that I will be running for my second term as the mayor of the beautiful city of Troy,” Oda said in a statement. “It may seem a bit early, but the 2023 spring primary is only a year away. So many of you have been asking over the last several months and weeks that I want to go ahead and address it, and say, ‘Yes, I am running,’ and will file in early 2023.”

Oda discussed the progress the city of Troy has had, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. She also spoke about her support of businesses staying open during the pandemic and the early lockdowns in 2020.

“I have been so proud to be a part of this team, to represent this city, our businesses, and you, the residents, during this current term,” Oda said. “COVID has dominated the conversation but has not deterred us from staying the course; neither did it control or stop our forward progress. I communicated my support to those businesses desiring to stay open when shutdown extensions were looming. Early on, I wanted to make sure that our playgrounds and municipal pool were open and available to any who wanted to use them, our annual Christmas tree lighting took place, and I fully supported the Strawberry Jam when the TSF (Troy Strawberry Festival) committee decided to go that route. Making sure that Hobart Arena also got back into full swing was another priority.”

Oda also discussed growth in the city of Troy, both in the job and housing markets.

“Manufacturing, commercial, and housing growth has also continued at a rapid pace during this time period,” Oda said. “Since Jan. 1, 2020, ​our companies have ​invested $127.5 million in capital expenditures and ​added 840 additional jobs​, including Pella, Clopay, ConAgra, ​F&P, along with others. And, ConAgra has just announced another $63 million expansion to take place in 2022, along with hiring another 100 people. ​My administrative staff and our economic development partners have done an amazing job in continuing to grow the job opportunities during the pandemic and economic shutdown. While communities around us ​have struggled, Troy ​has continued to thrive!”

Oda went to say, “Troy continues to be a very successful city and is poised for success,” adding that Troy has a vibrant and successful downtown.

“We also have hundreds of businesses of all sizes throughout the entire city that are succeeding,” Oda said. “I am thrilled to ​have support​ed and encourage​d those businesses that locate here, who choose to expand here​, and I look forward to continuing to do everything I can to see them not only succeed but to exceed all of their expectations.”

Oda said the city’s administration has participated in a number of financial programs to support businesses and residents while she has been mayor, including the disaster relief fund, façade improvement program, residential loan program, industrial income tax rebate program, and an energy efficiency program.

“We’ve contributed to the Troy Foundation’s Emergency Response Fund and the Rides to Work program,” Oda said. “We continue to be involved in conversations regarding childcare and workforce housing issues.”

Oda also expressed support for city departments, leadership, and employees.

“I’m also very proud of our police and fire departments. The leadership, officers, and crews are some of the best in the region! We continually invest in their training, equipment, and vehicles, making sure that they are prepared and equipped to handle whatever comes at them,” Oda said.

The health and happiness for local residents is also a priority, as Oda discussed the features available in the city of Troy.

“Entertainment, cultural, and recreational opportunities are abundant and continue to grow and bring people to our community and are used by our residents — city parks, floating tents, municipal golf course, rec/bike trails, Troy Mountain Bike Area, skate park, sports, recreation department and programs, the Lincoln Community Center, GOBA, Tour de Donut, Hobart Arena, Strawberry Festival, and more! Our quality of life has never been better,” Oda said.

“People and businesses want to locate in Troy — to live, work, and play. I am excited to continue encouraging growth in all of these areas, while never forgetting to listen to our residents and business owners.”

Oda plans to file for re-election in early 2023.

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