American Red Cross supports veterans and their families


For the Miami Valley Today

MIAMI VALLEY — Every day, the American Red Cross supports military members, veterans, and their families before, during and even after their deployment. The Red Cross provides access to more than 800 resources for the military community through its Service to the Armed Forces line of service — with much of the work carried out by trained volunteers. As Veterans Day approaches, the Central and Southern Ohio Region of the American Red Cross provides opportunities for members of the community to show their appreciation for veterans, service members, caregivers, and their families by volunteering.

As a Red Cross volunteer, you can help military families receive the support and care they desperately need. In this region, volunteers are needed at any of the local VA’s in Cincinnati, Columbus, Chillicothe, Dayton, or Wright-Patterson Medical Center. Service to the Armed Forces case-work volunteers are also needed. To sign up to become a volunteer go to

This Veterans Day, the Red Cross is also recognizing the special role that caregivers play in their support of veterans. The Military Veteran Caregiver Network (MVCN) offers caregivers the ability to connect in a confidential environment that’s best for them. The Red Cross’ peer mentor program helps meet the specific needs of caregivers one-on-one, while peer support groups connect caregivers facing similar challenges. They offer secure, online, caregiver-only communities to create a supportive network that is accessible without having to leave home.

The American Red Cross began providing services for the military during the Spanish-American War when Red Cross President Clara Barton recruited nurses across the country to help the Army at medical camps in Florida and Cuba. Today, many Red Cross volunteers are veterans who continue to support their communities after their active-duty service ends. About 6% of Red Cross employees include transitioning military or veterans – from nurses to logisticians, emergency management experts, project managers and preparedness experts, as well as veterans in leadership roles in the five chapters that make up the Central and Southern Ohio Region.

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