Fish fries set at St. Mary Church
PIQUA — Lenten fish fries at St. Mary Church in Piqua continue from 5-7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 26. All meals are served in a drive-through carry-out only. Meals include three pieces of deep-fried fish, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw and a dinner roll. The price is $8 for each meal.
Enter the parking lot next to St. Mary Catholic Church on the Greene Street side and exit on North Street after picking up the meals.
Black History Month events continue
TROY — The Lincoln Community Center will present “Then & Now” at 6 p.m. Thursday, 25. This will be a video slideshow comparison of the building from past to present. Over the years the look has changed a bit, however still servicing the community. This will be available on the center’s Facebook and YouTube pages for the community to view.
Black History Month features will continue Sunday, Feb. 28 with be a slideshow presentation of black history’s past. Travel back through time with students, reviewing the 156 years of educating, uplifting and informing the community. This will be available on the YouTube Channel and Facebook for public viewing.
For more updates and a calendar of events for Lincoln Community Center, visit
Finally, the Lincoln Community Center Afterschool Program will present a review of history through Music and Arts the evening of Wednesday, March 3. Support the youth by logging on to YouTube/Lincoln Community Center or its Facebook page. Watch as students journey back through time, highlighting children who contributed to the Civil Rights movement despite their young age. They also will reenact how Harriet Tubman made her way through the forest with a freedom runner, remember playground hand games, and the story of Ruby Bridges, the 6 year old who broke the segregation barrier. Move to the beat of The Jackson 5 song “ABC” as LCC youth interpret with their own moves. “What A Wonderful World” will be the focus of the finale with youth who will accompany with handbells.