Area briefs


Play may be rescheduled

SIDNEY — Per Gov. DeWine’s mandates due to the coronavirus, Lehman Catholic High School’s musical, “Anything Goes,” scheduled for March 26-28, has been postponed. Starff are currently working to find an alternative weekend for the performances and will communicate that once it is settled. Details concerning transferring or refunding ticket purchases that have already been made will be addressed at that time.

Legion offers carry-out meals

TIPP CITY — The Tipp City American Legion will offer two carry-out meals during the remainder of the week.

Today, meatloaf sandwiches with chips and a pickle will be available for carry-out at the Tipp City American Legion Post 586. Pick up will be offered between 6-7 p.m. for $4.

On Thursday, burgers, tenderloins, fries and onion rings will be offered for carry-out.

Call ahead at (937) 667-1995 to place your order.

Cakes for a Cause postponed

PIQUA — The Piqua Community Foundation has announced it will postpone its annual Cakes for a Cause event.

Organizers intend to reschedule the event when it is possible.

For more information, call the foundation at (937) 615-9080.

Library to close

COVINGTON — The J.R. Clarke Trustee Board met on Monday to discuss the COVID-19 virus. A decision was made to close JR Clarke Public Library at the end of business on Wednesday, March 18 until further notice.

On Wednesday, March 18, the library will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. There will be no computer use during those two days, and no child under the age of 18 will be admitted without an adult. These extra two days will give patrons an opportunity to return books and checkout new books during this extended closure. There will be no fines during the period of time the library is closed. The book drop will also remain open 24 hours a day, every day.

The trustee board will again evaluate the situation at their next board meeting on Monday, April 13.

Students are reminded that the WiFi is always on and can be accessed from outside and students can even work from a vehicle to get their distance learning lessons completed.

For more information, call (937) 473-2226 or visit Calls will be returned within several days.

Hall family honored for recycling

TROY — Rumpke of Ohio, Inc. and the city of Troy are announcing the newest recipient of the Rumpke “Look Who Is Recycling” quarterly reward program for city of Troy residents who actively participate in recycling. The recipient is Jeanine Hall’s family, of Thornhill Drive. In her response to the question, “Why do you recycle?,” Hall wrote, “We recycle because we want to keep stuff out of the landfills that could be used for good. Our two little girls, ages 3 and 4, love to take the milk jugs and laundry jugs out to the recycling bin and play basketball with them. If nobody recycled, we couldn’t image what our landfills would look like when our daughters grow up.”

To educate residents on the subject of recycling and to encourage participation in Troy’s curbside recycling program, Rumpke of Ohio, Inc., the city’s curbside recycling contractor, has included Troy residents in Rumpke’s quarterly reward program. For residents interested in this program, go to and answer the question, “why do you recycle?”

The Hall family received a gift bag provided by Rumpke of Ohio, Inc., which includes several items and a gift card from a local restaurant.

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