Bixler joins Troy’s CIC


By Matt Clevenger

For Miami Valley Today

TROY — Members of the Troy City Council have approved the appointment of Bradley Bixler to the city’s Community Improvement Corporation.

Bixler will fulfill the unexpired term of Arthur Haddad, who recently resigned. Haddad’s term would have expired on Dec. 31, 2021.

“I would like to just take a moment and express my gratitude to Mr. Haddad,” council member Bob Phillips said. “What a wealth of knowledge that gentleman has, and the time and energy he has put into this city; I just want to congratulate him on a job well done.”

“It is very poignant,” Mayor Robin Oda said of Haddad’s resignation. “We will definitely miss his expertise. It’s a loss for the city.”

Council members approved Bixler’s appointment during their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday.

In other business, council members also approved an ordinance authorizing the Troy Truck Yard event planned for Wednesday, June 23 during the WOBA bicycle race.

Council approved the use of public land during the event, as well as the sale and consumption of beer on public property.

“The location is the parking lot behind 18 E. Canal St., South Walnut Street between East Canal and East Race streets,” council member Bill Rozell said. “This would be a city event, with the city holding the liquor license.”

Council member Bill Twiss voted against the ordinance; the remaining council members all voted for the ordinance.

“Just to clarify, I am for the Truck Yard,” Twiss said. “I’m against the sale of alcohol on public property.”

Council members also heard the first reading of an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of an easement for a stormwater basin/detention pond in the Halifax Villas development. The basin is needed to address flooding on Finsbury Road; council approved a payment not to exceed $70,000 to Halifax Land Company.

Council members also heard the first reading of an ordinance authorizing the sale of surplus property connected to Heywood Park and Edgewater Park.

“This is declaring as a surplus three parcels within Edgewater Park and one parcel within Heywood Park,” council member Jeff Schilling said.

The decision to sell the parcels was based partly on a study of encroachments throughout the city’s parks that was done last year.

“Hopefully, we’re done with everything,” Schilling said.

Council members also heard comments from one member of the public. Troy resident Steve Hendrikson spoke to council, expressing thanks to several council members who recently met with members of the public.

“I want to thank the council members for meeting with the citizens in an open forum meeting on Saturday,” Hendrikson said. “I thought it was wonderful, and I would encourage the rest of council to do a similar kind of meeting. It was very informative.”

Council members closed their meeting with an announcement that future council meetings will be returning to city hall.

“Our next council meeting will be June 7, and it is going to be back at city hall at 7 p.m.,” Phillips said. “We are back to regular business, or as regular as we can be at the moment.”

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