Moving forward requires Constitutional remedy

By Deb Hogshead“We should take the time to analyze our political and economic structures while wearing someone else’s shoes.”That’s what Justin Coby wrote in...

It’s man versus nature at the grocery

The worldwide pandemic has changed the way people think and behave. Take me, for instance. I have reverted to the mindset of my hunter-gatherer...

A tribute to some very special people

A year or so ago, my daughter and son-in-law decided to enroll our then 4-year-old grandson, Carter, in the Miami County Educational Service Center...

Fighting for our voice to be heard

When I go to Columbus, I go to represent my community in Miami and Southern Darke County. We want to do everything we can...

Being concerned is not enough

Sadly, it has taken a worldwide pandemic to do what should have been done by reasonable people years ago, which is to eliminate the...

Small changes can bring big improvements for Ohio elections

By Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRoseOhio completed its primary election on April 28 in a way that no one ever envisioned, but in...

Jim McGuire: Hooray! It’s May!

Hooray! Green and glorious May has arrived! The last full month of spring.Spring is nature’s most celebrated transition—a verdant journey taking us from winter’s...

A very high calling

Perhaps one of the best known and oft used phrases in society is “actions speak louder than words.” I like to think of it...

An ode to trees, and why the community should continue to preserve them

“What a thought that was, when God thought of a tree.” – A quote from a 1906 Piqua Daily Call article, “Public Park for...

Supporting Ohio communities

We know how hard this crisis is hitting our cities and counties. They need robust, flexible funding to keep serving Ohioans and avoid cutting...