The rocking book of aging

Self isolation and quarantine are large but necessary pains. A tiny sliver of silver in this cloud of corona virus is that while we...

Mind the gaps: Social disparity post COVID-19

This past Saturday, 1,300 families in Miami County utilized the services of the largest foodbank in the region to access free food for their...

COVID-19 and distance learning

By David LarsonI am sure many of you have seen the overwhelming support and appreciation for the educators in our communities and across the...

Guess What’s New in Reading?

ENGLEWOOD — It’s May, folks, and that means spring and the start of the summer vacation season that ends in September. This might be...

Dial up some green, it will make you feel better

Today’s column is going to be an entirely coronavirus-free zone. That’s right, not a single mention of the nasty little virus that has changed...

Going on offense with virus

We need a real plan to reopen the economy, safely — because if we don’t do it safely, we’re just going to have to...

Hope in these uncertain times

The world stopped due to a dangerous disease and our lives have unwillingly come to a screeching halt. We long for all the things...

Gratefulness in an unknown time

Doing the difficult thing is not a common human trait. In a world of no-fault, of a diminished sense of responsibility, of participation trophies,...

Jim McGuire: Mushrooms and social distancing

During these times of social distancing, skulking the nearby woodlands in search of wily morels may be the perfect outdoor endeavor.Springtime mushroomers are already...

Life’s greatest lesson

During my first term on the Troy City Schools Board of Education, I was asked by one the elementary principals to be a reading...