The Amish Cook: Gloria’s multigrain bread
My, this coronavirus scare has certainly done its share of shifting things in all directions exactly opposite of everyday life for millions and carefully...
The Amish Cook: Daniel’s relationship recipe
EDITOR’S NOTE: Gloria’s husband Daniel wrote the column this week and it’s a rarity, no food recipe, but it just seemed appropriate. Gloria will...
The Amish Cook: Gloria’s potato salad
I don’t recall ever before relishing so much those first warm sunny days of spring. After wiping so many tears from little boys who...
The Amish Cook: Gloria’s chocolate pies
Okay, here we go with part two. A week ago, we chatted a bit about the Amish way of life and covered some interesting...
The Amish Cook: Gloria’s potato salad
I received several letters from readers with questions that got my mind spinning. Let’s each grab a cup of tea (okay, you can have...
The Amish Cook: Gloria’s heart-warming chicken noodle soup
Good morning from our house to yours. I’ll tell you what, since the last time I came in touch with you, lots has happened;...
The Amish Cook: Gloria’s deluxe scrambled eggs, taco pizza
EDITOR’S NOTE: Gloria’s family has been battling winter illnesses, so she will be taking this week off. Here are two fan favorite recipes of...
The Amish Cook: Gloria shares Grandma’s creamy noodles
Time keeps marching faster than I can keep up with. I can hardly believe that I’m almost halfway through my waiting period for our...
The Amish Cook: Yoders host butchering event
We are having a blessed, busy week. Daniel’s parents from the Amish community in Danville, Ohio, came for a visit last week and have...
The Amish Cook: Gloria goes bananas
Okay, this week, you’ll be joining Julia as she tackles one of her favorite hobbies, baking. A while ago, we received a recipe from...