City announces Comprehensive Plan survey


TROY — Over the next twelve to eighteen months, the city of Troy will update its Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. Through the planning process, the City will work with stakeholders, including Troy residents and businesses, to understand the needs of the community.

The city’s Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document that informs policy decisions regarding development, and includes guidelines for future land use, transportation, sustainability, housing, public utilities, and more. The updated Comprehensive Plan will serve as a flexible blueprint over the next twenty years, with five-year updates, and will replace the plan adopted by City Council in 2005 and last updated in 2019.

American Structurepoint, a planning and engineering firm, has been hired to consult on the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Update. The first part of the planning process involves community engagement. Over the next few months, American Structurepoint will lead efforts to engage stakeholders at public events, stakeholder meetings, and through an online survey. The survey asks residents 25 questions about Troy’s strengths, opportunities for growth, and priorities for planning and development.

To participate in the survey, visit or scan the QR code below. To find out more about the current Comprehensive Plan, visit

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