Cost-of-living increases on council agenda


TROY — Troy City Council will seek to increase their salaries for cost-of-living rates and restore the longevity provision for non-union city employees.

Council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the Bravo Room at Hobart Arena. Several employment-related items are on the agenda.

If approved, the following positions’ salaries will increase beginning 2022-2024: nine city council members, president of council, and the treasurer. The proposed increases are 3% in 2022; 2.5% in 2023; and 2% in 2024. If approved by the council, the increases will not go into effect during his or her current term by state law.

The mayor’s, auditor’s, and law director’s salaries would increase at the beginning of their new four-year term in 2024. Those increases include 3% in 2024; 2.5% in 2025; and 2% in 2026.

The city seeks to add 80 hours of sick leave to eligible employees who were diagnosed with COVID-19 in 2020. According to the committee report, 42 full-time employees were positive for the virus, using 2,542 hours of sick leave. With documentation, the city will restore their sick time balances.

A resolution to add back the longevity benefit for all non-bargaining unit positions will be considered by the council. It was eliminated in 2004, but remained in place for union employees. According to the committee report, “this has resulted in a disparity in the annual compensation of some employees who may perform similar work and has resulted in a salary compression in some operations with supervisors making close to or less than the employees they supervise.”

The city’s recommendation is to provide a longevity benefit for hourly employees to be based on 2 percent for every five years of full-time employment with the city with no cap. The same provision is for union employees. The 2021 budget impact would be approximately $64,000.

A resolution to amend salaries for part-time and season employees and add a Lead Food Service position for Miami Shores’ Shoreline restaurant is on the budget. If passed, the part-time lead food service employee would work with the swimming pool manager and hire workers for concessions and restaurant operations.

In the same committee report, it was noted an account supervisor in the billing and collections department has retired and will remain vacant, but a second account analyst position will be hired. The city estimates to save $25,000 per year.

The following resolutions will have the first reading:

R-13-2021 Sidewalk Replacement Program, Phase 13. Authorize Bidding not to exceed $325,000. The area includes undeveloped areas of Pleasant View Estates. The sidewalk program seeks to install handicap ramps within the phase areas as well. 107 owners of the 124 parcels did not obtain permits to have the work done privately. The cost of the sidewalk that is not paid after its completion will be assessed to the owner’s property taxes to be paid over five years.

R-14-2021 Approve Amendments to Bylaws of Miami Valley Risk Management Association

The following ordinances will have the first reading:

O-14-2021 Treasure Island Park Use Agreements for Concerts on June 25 and August 7. The resolution seeks to sell alcohol at two concert events.

O-15-2021 Notwithstanding Legislation for Camping in Troy Community Park and Fire Pits for participants of the Great Ohio Bike Adventure (GOBA). The permit will allow the overnight camping and fire pits only for June 23-25, 2021 and June 22-24, 2022.

O-16-2021 Adjustments to Salaries of Elected Officials, to Commence at Start of Next Terms

O-17-2021 Amend Seasonal Salary Ordinance – Establish New Position of Lead Food Service Employee for Miami Shores’s Shoreline Restaurant.

O-18-2021 Amend Salary Ordinance for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees – Positions Under Recreation and Hobart Arena departments

O-19-2021 Amend Ordinances to Re-establish Longevity Provision for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees

O-20-2021 Reinstate Up To 80 Sick Leave Hours Used by Employees with Documented COVID-19 Diagnosis

The following rezoning and annex ordinances will have a public hearing session on April 19:

•Riverside Drive for 16 properties to be added to the city’s R-4, Single-Family Residential District

• 55.8 acres of farmland on Lytle Road from county agricultural to city zoning of R-5, Single-Family Residential for new home building lots. The lots must be at least 6,000 square feet in size per dwelling. The owner is First Troy Corp.

• 1103 Washington Road (21 acres) from county general agriculture to R-4, Single-Family Residential District with 9,000 square feet lots per dwelling. The owner is Gregory Heilers.

• 2900 McKaig Road (19 acres) from county agricultural district to R-3-B, Single-Family Residential District. The lots must be at least 12,000 square feet per dwelling. The owner is Craig Dubose.

• 2765 McKaig Road from city-administered county zoning to city zoning of R-4 single-family residential district for lots at least 9,000 square feet or more per dwelling. The owner is Linda Rocco.

• 2811 State Route 718 from county general agriculture district to R-4, Single-Family Residential. The owner is Troy City Schools.

• Two Annexed Parcels, located off Troy-Urbana Rd. to R-3-B, Single-Family Residential for lots at least 12,000 square feet per site. The owner is Liberty Lot Sales. The parcels are 83 acres located on Troy-Urbana Road east of the Hunters Ridge subdivision.

• 554 Staunton Road for a Wellhead Operation District. The property is located north of the Miami Shores Golf Course and is used as a driving range.

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