Davidson named to presidential task force


TROY — President Donald Trump on Thursday named Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) to the Presidential task force to re-open the American economy.

The purpose of this bipartisan committee is to set criteria to methodically reopen the U.S. economy and begin the much-needed economic recovery.

Davidson, of Troy, brings over 15 years of experience owning and operating manufacturing businesses to this committee. As a small business owner, Davidson said he understands the unique challenges and hardships the business community faces as a result of closures and cancellations related to the present public health crisis. Employers across the country are struggling to maintain payroll and operations as the economy remains locked down.

Davidson sits on the prestigious House Financial Services Committee. He is a member of the subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship, and Capital Markets and also sits on the Task Force on Financial Technology.

After the president announced his appointment, Congressman Davidson said, “I am excited and honored to join so many outstanding individuals to collaboratively address the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. As a former business owner, who led manufacturing companies through the 2008 financial crisis, I understand the heavy burdens placed on entrepreneurs and their employees during such trying times. The novel coronavirus has stalled our economy and stifled economic growth, threatening the livelihoods and hard work of Americans across the country. I expect we will find safe and creative solutions that not only protect the health of Americans but also enable us to restart America’s economic engine.”

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