Energize your home!


By Kathy Henne

Contributing columnist

It has been said that homebuyers make their decision — based entirely on emotion — during the first five minutes in a home. They spend the rest of the time trying to justify their decision based on facts and figures.

There’s a simple, yet compelling, message in that short statement. When selling, offer your home in nothing less than “model home” condition to excite buyers to the point of action. Second, help them justify their buying decision by preparing loads of factual data as proof they’ve made the right decision.

Ask your local real estate agent for a “walk-through” of your home — a dress rehearsal for a buyer showing. Make a list of all the suggestions for repairs and improvements. Complete all items on the list as soon as you put your home on the market. Who can get excited about worn carpeting or broken windowpanes? When buyers see the castle of their dreams, they’ll get excited.

You’ll need plenty of facts and figures too. Ask your agent to provide a history of other home sales in your area, and then price your home accordingly. Give your agent a list of all the improvements you’ve recently made to your home – roof, furnace, and electrical upgrades. List your average utility costs for the past year. Have a set of floor plans available if you have them.

In other words, make it inevitable that prospects will fall in love with your home. When backed up with printed details, you may enjoy a great offer in a very short time!

Contact the Kathy Henne Team Re/MAX by calling 937-778-3961

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