Fear, Panic, Trauma – Troy City Schools


To the editor:

Is this the learning environment that is best for our children? Regardless of your answer, it is the learning environment that is being forced on our children. On Friday September 15, 2023 the active shooter alarm went off at Troy High School. This was not a drill. It was a false alarm at 7:30 in the morning, but what is false about instant fear, immediate panic, and the lingering trauma that will sit and must already sit with these students every day? Another “false” alarm went off again that morning and the school decided to dismiss classes for the day. Why? These instances don’t negatively affect our children, do they?

Friday morning students and teachers ran, barricaded doors, hid, and started texting loved ones. Chaos ensued as students ran from the building, some in tears, others jumped out of windows to get out of the building. Looks like active shooter drills work. Everyone did everything right.

There was no active shooter on school grounds that day. Thank goodness. But the fear, panic, and trauma that the alarms caused for our children as they hid, as they ran and jumped out of windows, and frantically contacted parents to let them know what had happened is not okay.

Our children now have ingrained in them that when you hear this sound – you run for your life. These kids were scared. These kids are traumatized. But hey, go back to your classroom tomorrow. This is a safe and secure learning environment – no fear or trauma here, until a door slams, or another alarm goes off. My hope is for this generation to take this trauma to the ballot box.

Janel Ranly


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