Flag pole project canceled


Staff report

TROY — Although the funds have been raised to again raise a flag on West Main Street near Taco Bell in Troy, damage has been found to be too extensive to the flag pole to raise Old Glory as in the past.

According to retired educator Charles “Chuck” Karnehm, who led the fundraiser, although the money was raised to resurrect the flag pole previously maintained by Perkins restaurant, but on land owned by the city, issues with the flag pole will not allow for the project to move forward.

“We raised the needed money and when they started to work on it to get it ready they found a crack in the flag pole. We needed to find a welder to weld the crack and after finding one, they discovered the flag pole was leaning to one side,” Karnehm said. “The city checked it out and found that it was best just to take it down for safety reasons.”

The money donated by several individuals will be refunded by the Troy Foundation, Karnehm said.

Karnehm can be reached at [email protected] for more information.

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