Milton-Union Early Childhood Center is located in the Church of the Brethren at 918 S. Miami St.. West Milton. The director is Camby Coblentz and the number is (937) 698-3977. They are a full-time day care operating year round 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. They provide service for children six weeks to fifth grade. They have before and after-school programs. A M-U bus picks up and delivers the children to school and back. They also have a summer program, plus September through May they have a preschool program Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. They have a staff of five full time and three part-time employees. They do accept Title 20 assistance from the state. They have received a Star Rating by the Step Up To Quality state program.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1209 S. Miami St., West Milton, has a preschool program. Reta Stitz brought her idea to the church council in May 1973. She was the administrator of the first classes beginning in September 1973. She taught a great many students before retiring in 1983, turning the program over to church member Carol Donohoo. Carol retired in 2007 when Denise Stephenson was made administrator. After 12 years, Denise retired and Kimberly Davis is now the current administrator. A number of Reta’s students have sent their children to the very place they attended as children. There are classes for 4- and 5-year-old students on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the school year from 9:30 a.m. to noon. There are classes for 3 year olds on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The program is overseen by a board. They provide a Christian based, social and educational experience in a fun and loving atmosphere. For more information, call the church at (937) 698-5826. Thanks to Barb Cecil for this information.

The M-U Alumni Association is making plans for their 132nd consecutive banquet to be held in May. They will welcome volunteers at the M-U Library on Friday, March 13 at 9 a.m., to help get the newsletter sent out.

The Milton-Union Public Library has a number of interesting and fun programs planned for March. For children K-6 grade there is My Book and Me on Thursdays, March 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 6:30-8 p.m. Each week, using a different theme, the children will be will write and illustrate using various artistic methods. Each book will be spiral bound for the child to take home.

On Thursday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m., Sam Romero of Aullwood Audubon Center will discuss native Ohio plants. Light refreshments will be available as well as a door prize.

Wednesday, March 18 at 6 p.m., Brandon Coate from Brandon Coate Law Office Ltd. will discuss advanced directives and living wills. Learn the purpose of each form as well as their pros and cons. Standard forms will be available to take home.

Tuesday, March 24 at 7 p.m., Brian Sarver from Hale-Sarver Funeral Home, Inc. and a representative from Calvary Cemetery in Springfield will give a program about the only true “green burial” available after death and discuss options, locations, costs and benefits of a burial of this type. Light refreshments will be served as well a door prize.

Thursday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m., Angie Hoschouer from Woodland Cemetery will present a lively discussion on the early lives of Dayton brewers and the successes and failures of there endeavors. Registration is required.

For more information concerning library programs, call the library at (937) 687-5515 or visit

The Miltonian Woman’s Club was originated by a group of women who wanted to help with community welfare work by making comforts, quilts and clothing for those in need. In 1923, the ladies met for the purpose of organizing a club unofficially known as “The Literary Club,” later changed to “The Miltonian Woman’s Club.” In the early years various efforts were made to correct conditions existing in West Milton such as unsanitary conditions at the school, improper behavior of the boys at school, and inadequate lighting of the school grounds. In 1935, the club voted to give $5 to any graduating senior who needed financial assistance and one young man was helped. The MWC is now a social group made up of 30 members who live in the West Milton area and who meet the first Wednesday of every month except July and August. They have lunch followed by a guest speaker or entertainment and a business meeting. Several projects are supported, including an annual $1,200 scholarship donated to a M-U High School senior, FISH, Family Abuse Shelter of Miami County and other charitable organizations as designated. Current officers are president, Barbara Cecil; vice president, Becky Hamler; secretary, Judy Brown; treasurer, Ginny Rammel; and assistant secretary/treasurer, Bev Brubaker.

If you have any questions, call Barbara Cecil at (937) 698-6559.

Librarian Kim Brubaker helps patrons make orange crush bath bombs in her Pinterest program in October 2019. Kim Brubaker helps patrons make orange crush bath bombs in her Pinterest program in October 2019.

By Susie Spitler

Got Union Township area news to add to this column? Contact columnist Susie Spitler at 698-6798 or email her at [email protected]

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