The COVID-19 relief effort in Union Township was started on March 19.

Since the start of this relief effort, 33 volunteers have answered the questionnaire, having provided support for seven requests for groceries, supplies or medication. The relief effort is going very well, and we expect the requests will be more frequent with the “Stay At Home” order issued by Governor DeWine.

The following information was provided by volunteer coordinator Scott Fogle.

With this service, Union Township COVID-19 Relief volunteers can provide the following services or support to those community members most at risk of exposure by calling (937) 698-1600 or via social media at West Milton Area COVID-19 Relief: trips to and delivering items from groceries; basic errands and resident checks; phone calls and person-to-person “check-ins”; food pick-up and delivery. Also, community members requesting assistance with this relief effort are asked to request groceries, supplies, etc. for a week supply or longer so the volunteers don’t have several requests from the same individual every couple of days.

This group of volunteers are dedicated to support those individuals at a higher risk for serious illness who may experience difficulty accessing basic needs or handling personal errands. Those residents at a higher risk include, but are not limited to, those with the following characteristics per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: older adults; those with serious, chronic medical conditions; heart disease; diabetes; lung disease.

If you are interested in volunteering to provide any of the services above for Union Township residents in need, call (937) 698-1600 or on social media at West Milton Area COVID-19 Relief.

In other area news, The Young Spirts concert is canceled, which was to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Good Friday Community Services have been canceled. West Milton Rotary and West Milton and Laura Lions meetings are cancelled until further notice. The M-U Public Library is closed, but staff invites you to visit their website or Facebook to access their digital library.

The Laura Lions Club has been going strong since it was chartered on Feb. 13, 1952. They presently have 22 members. They have two major money making projects. One is the Greenville Farm Power of the Past Show held the first weekend after the Fourth of July. The other is manning the gates at the Miami County Fair each August. To do this, they need the help of all members to fill three five hour shifts per day for all seven days.

The money they raise is donated to a number of projects: twice a year they do a Glasses in Need program in the M-U schools; donate to Lions Projects; Eye Research Foundation; West Central Eye Bank; Sight and Hearing Foundation; pilot dogs and hearing dogs; Camp Echoing Hills in eastern Ohio; Special Needs Kids once a year; Hospice of Miami County, FISH; Bulldog Bags; and each they purchase animals at the fair through the 4-H auctions. At Christmas they also take fruit baskets to shut-in members and widows of members.

If you have questions or would be interested in joining this worthwhile organization, call Richard at (937) 947-1220.

By Susie Spitler

Got Union Township area news to add to this column? Contact columnist Susie Spitler at 698-6798 or email her at [email protected]

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