Hayner Center a community treasure


To the Editor:

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

Well, I use that famous quote to show my long-time connection to the Troy-Hayner Cultural Center. It has been such a close connection to our lives that we have learned to cherish it as part of our upbringing.

My wife, Carol, had many of her 4-H meetings and training sessions there. She now has some of her PEO and Delta Kappa Gamma meetings in its rooms. Those are philanthropic organizations that constantly affect parts of our society.

As a music teacher in Troy, with vocal choirs and handbell choirs at my fingertips, I have lost track of how many concerts my groups have given in that facility. My Musicians’ Club has done the same for years and has held high school concerts and awards programs there.

Being retired from all of the above, we now loyally attend the movies, concerts, and programs that entertain so many from our area. When we have visitors from out of town, we always show them the Hayner. We have seen almost every art display since the start of such shows years ago.

And we are just two individuals! When I think about all of the programs we have not seen, and the over one million visitors that have graced its doors, I realize again what a wonderful benefit this building and its staff are to our community. I urge you to vote for the Hayner levy on May 4.

— David Pinkerton


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