Health, safety concerns shouldn’t be political concerns


Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the story in the Miami Valley Today on Jan. 21, 2o21, “Crowd supports Troy mayor at council meeting.”

To the Editor:

How can the mayor of Troy welcome people into public office buildings or encourage people to shop, eat and visit anywhere without requiring those people to wear face masks? Does she believe that the COVID statistics in the US, Ohio and Miami County are to be ignored when it is known by all rational people, that wearing masks is the single best deterrent we have currently, to community spread of this disease?

Our infection rates in Troy are deplorable. We need leadership to all do the right things to protect our own health, that of our families, friends and neighbors. And yes, protect the health of all of our city officials.

It is likely to be a long wait before all citizens can receive vaccinations against COVID. Should we not finally unite now, at least in this one monumental effort, to treat all citizens with concern? This is not an issue of “choice” if one has “kindness and consideration for others.” Health and safety concerns should never be political concerns.

If there are signs anywhere saying that masks are optional, those are places where I will exercise my choice to not enter. And in the future, I will remember with displeasure those people that posted them.

— Dede Wissman


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