Hospitalizations due to flu increase 3900%


TROY — At least 40 Miami County residents were hospitalized with the flu in November, according to figures released by the Miami County Department of Health.

“This is a 3900% increase over the one hospitalization in November 2021,” a Tuesday, Dec. 6, posting on the Health Department’s Facebook page said.

The Health Department recommends several measures to prevent the spread of flu, including washing hands frequently with soap and water, covering coughs and sneezes, getting flu shots and staying home if you are sick.

“Every year there are always some hospitalizations due to the flu,” Miami County Health Department Director of Community Services Nate Bednar said. “What we’re seeing this year is just earlier, and more of them.”

Flu changes from year to year, Bednar said, and last year’s numbers were unusually low.

“This is a little more intense than what we’ve seen in several years,” he said. “It’s the beginning of flu season, and we usually see it ramp up through the winter in this area. Hospitalizations in particular are ramping up higher and faster than we have seen in most of our past years.”

“This particular flu season is coming on pretty strong, pretty early,” Bednar said. “Especially going into the holiday season, we wanted to make sure we let everybody know.”

Common symptoms of the flu include fever, stuffy head, chills, coughing and sneezing, Bednar said. COVID is also still present in the county, and the Health Department recommends similar steps to prevent the spread of both illnesses.

“The symptoms for respiratory viruses are all pretty similar,” Bednar said. “Our two main recommendations in relation to respiratory illnesses are usually going to be pretty much the same; number one, get your flu shot, and get your COVID booster as well. Number two, if you’re sick, stay home. If your kids are sick, keep them home from school.”

“Make sure you are staying away from other people,” Bednar said. “Particularly going into the holiday season, when everybody’s gathering.”

Flu shots are available through the Health Department, and more information can be found online at, or by calling the Miami County Health Department at 937-573-3518.

“We want everybody to have a good time,” Bednar said, “but also be aware that there is a lot of respiratory illness going around, between the flu and COVID.”

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