January FFA Member of the Month


CASSTOWN — The January 2023 Miami East-MVCTC FFA Member of the Month is Wyatt Black. He is a sophomore and second year member of the Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter. His parents are Kris and Becky Black of Piqua.

Black was selected because of his overall contribution to the varied successes of the Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter. Recently, Black was named a National FFA $1,000 Supervised Agriculture Experience Grant Recipient. His SAE consists of repurposing chassis to wagons and trailer beds. He will use the grant to purchase equipment necessary to grow and succeed in his business.

In November, he competed in the state finals of the Ohio FFA Animal Management Career Development Event where the team placed 11th in the state. In October, Black represented Ohio FFA and the chapter at the American Royal Livestock Judging Contest in Kansas City, Missouri.

Every month of the school year the Miami East-MVCTC FFA will select a student to be the FFA Member of the Month. The officer team will nominate one member that has been actively involved in the FFA chapter, school and community activities. If selected, the members will be recognized at the monthly FFA meeting, have their picture displayed in the Miami East Ag Room, and will receive a special accolade in celebration of their accomplishment.

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